
Rails inspired DB Migration module for kohana

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Kohana Flexible Migrations

Kohana Flexible migrations is a Rails inspired migration module for kohana.

It's based on kohana-migrations module by Matías Montes and Jamie Madill.

Some features:

  • Kohana 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 compatibility
  • Automatic migration file generation
  • Minion tasks to generate migrations, execute and rollback them.
  • Solves the problem with migrations numbers using a timestamp instead of a integer
  • Supports migrations and rollbacks
  • Due the naming convention for files, you can work on teams without concerns!
  • Nice web interface


Kohana 3.3 'master' branch

Kohana 3.2 download 'kohana_3.2' branch

Kohana 3.1 download 'kohana_3.1' branch

Kohana 3.0 download 'kohana_3.0' branch

NOTE: Minion tasks doesn't work using kohana 3.0


  1. Download module, and copy the folder to your modules directory. (e.g. modules/flexiblemigrations)

  2. Enable flexiblemigrations and orm modules in bootstrap.php

'flexiblemigrations' => MODPATH.'flexiblemigrations'
               'orm' => MODPATH.'orm'
  1. Run the migrations.sql script on your DB server

  2. Create and grant WRITE privileges to /application/migrations folder

Configuration (optional)

You can set some useful options inside config/flexiblemigrations.php file:

  • Enable/Disable web frontend (to use only Minion tasks)
'web_frontend' => TRUE
  • If web frontend is enabled you can change their route
'web_frontend_route' => 'migrations',
  • Path where migration files are going to be generated
'path' => APPPATH . 'migrations/'


COMMAND LINE INTERFACE (Minion tasks): Go ahead to sub-section "Minion tasks"

WEB FRONTEND: Go to url: yoursite/migrations (or your route if you've changed it on config/flexiblemigrations.php file) and that's it! you will see a nice web interface with a menu.

  1. Click on 'Generate NEW migration' you can set a name and create a new migration file.

E.g. for a migration called 'typical migration' generated file could be:

  1. Edit your file and add the DB functions. (Remember to properly set up() and down() functions)

A typical migration file looks like:

class typical_migration extends Migration
  public function up()
        'published'             => array('boolean'),
        'published_at'          => array('datetime'),
        'user_id'               => array('integer'),
        'image_file_name'       => array('string[255]'),
        'full_description'      => array('text'),

    $this->add_column('another_table_name', 'column_name', array('datetime', 'default' => NULL));

  public function down()
    $this->remove_column('another_table_name', 'column_name');
  1. When you finish editing, simply click on 'Run all pending migrations'. If you made a mistake, click on 'Rollback'.


Minion tasks - CLI

NOTE: Works only on kohana 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 versions.

To generate a new migration:

./minion generate:migration --name=MIGRATION_NAME

To run all pending migrations

./minion db:migrate

To rollback last executed migration

./minion db:rollback

Migration functions

All possible functions are:

create_table($table_name, $fields, $primary_key = TRUE)
rename_table($old_name, $new_name)

add_column($table_name, $column_name, $params)
rename_column($table_name, $column_name, $new_column_name)
change_column($table_name, $column_name, $params)
remove_column($table_name, $column_name)

add_index($table_name, $index_name, $columns, $index_type = 'normal')
remove_index($table_name, $index_name)

There's a new function to run custom SQL. I discourage to use this, but it's useful in some edge cases. Use it at your own risk :)


Possible DB columns datatypes are: *


In all cases you can pass a default value (see file example above)

To do

  • Full documentation
  • Code refactor
  • Improve minion tasks
  • Support several DB engines (Postgre, Oracle, etc)


All your contributions are welcome!!! Just make a pull request

To get some help or give suggestions please contact the author.


MIT License. Copyright 2012-2013 Fernando Petrelli.