
A password generator using NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A password generator using NodeJS

It consists of options such as:

- Length of password can be set manually.

- Can save the passwords created in a file named passwords.txt.

- Can choose to exclude numbers or symbols or both.

- The password will get copied to clipboard as soon as it is generated (using clipboardy).

To get help

$ getpass -h
Usage: index [options]

A password generator

  -V, --version          output the version number
  -l, --length <length>  length of password (default: "7")
  -s, --save             save the password to passwords.txt
  -nn, --no-numbers      exclude numbers
  -ns, --no-symbols      exclude symbols
  -h, --help             display help for command

Some Examples:

$ getpass
Generated Password: -J=jU+q
Password copied to clipboard
$ getpass --length=20
Generated Password: =Fh@%4HKiAsND6w=39Pf
Password copied to clipboard
$ getpass --length=20 -nn
Generated Password: k$lTGcDKfsNxURfioMPO
Password copied to clipboard
$ getpass --length=20 -nn -ns
Generated Password: xEJpbdLbuQshjwpfvppL
Password copied to clipboard