
I made a searching box in react today.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ShoppingIsland Mini Product Search Application

This project is a simple product search application developed using React. Below, you can find the concepts you learned while creating the project:

Used Concepts

  1. React Components:

    • Creating modular components for the home page, product list, and filter components.
  2. Props:

    • Using props for data transmission to React components.
  3. useState Hook:

    • Using the useState hook for state management within components.
  4. Filtering:

    • Adding filtering functionality to allow users to easily find the products they are looking for.
  5. Tailwind CSS Styling:

    • Using Tailwind CSS for basic design and user interface improvements.
  6. Understanding Project Structure:

    • Creating an appropriate project structure to organize the React application.

Example Usage

  • Filter products using the search box on the home page.
  • Narrow down results further through filtering options.


  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Add new features or make bug fixes.
  3. Submit a pull request.

Application Photos

