A custom reusable circular / progress slider control for iOS application.
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How I can handle tap to thumb?
#83 opened by Ru5C55an - 0
Clock in RangeSlider
#82 opened by nimrahjamil5758 - 0
Does it slide down like the iPhone?
#81 opened by phonefixnicole - 0
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Swipe down gesture in modal window
#76 opened by rafalmodrzynski - 1
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Gradient for circular presentation
#8 opened by asteriomanet - 8
How to animate slider to value?
#9 opened by 9SL9 - 0
Progress start from the bottom
#71 opened by oezguercelebi - 2
circular slider step value
#70 opened by antondityativ - 0
How to zoom the thumb slider when highlighting
#69 opened by devtofu - 3
clock sliding from arc of circle
#59 opened by Abhi-philips - 1
gradient colors
#65 opened by tvanmanh - 1
Can't customize slider with code.
#66 opened by AndyIbanez - 1
Swift Package Manager support
#57 opened by jessemx109 - 1
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Unsupported Swift Version
#61 opened by Etep15 - 2
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Make CGLineCap as property
#46 opened by LiborZa - 2
Track inner shadow & Gradient color support
#47 opened by libern - 2
OC project pod this, some properties not found like: startThumbImage/endThumbImage
#42 opened by wjcwukong - 1
Rotate anti clock wise
#32 opened by n1tesh - 2
how to can add dynamic multiple circle rings
#44 opened by Bharath2r - 2
thumb slider freezes or touches at outside of round slider thumb control automatically
#33 opened by alexgofman - 1
Upgrade to Swift 5
#51 opened by jessemx109 - 0
Possible to stop at max / min ?
#10 opened by troligtvis - 5
Setting the start position
#20 opened by Isuru-Nanayakkara - 4
Updates for iOS12/XCode 10/Swift 4.2?
#36 opened by johnbanks - 1
Delete this, please
#40 opened by riley-usagi - 2
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Trying to make slider to have stop position on top so that thumb wouldn't keep sliding
#29 opened by alexgofman - 6
i want Objc
#27 opened by XavierLost - 1
Continuous updates?
#22 opened by jbmaxwell - 4
Remove padding
#25 opened by Natelegreat1 - 3
Disable touch?
#23 opened by FouadAstitou - 3
backtrackLineWidth property not found
#19 opened by SanaElshazly - 1
How to realize the circular color gradient?
#18 opened by AdminYu - 2
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Carthage support
#13 opened by totidev - 2
'M_PI' is deprecated in Xcode 8.3
#12 opened by wasappi - 5
Crash suddenly on assertion!
#6 opened by Raviojha62 - 4
Wake up, bedtime images not rounded.
#3 opened by asteriomanet - 1