Repository containing solutions to Exercism's featured and non-featured exercises for the year long challenge. #12in23
- Elixir
- Hamming
- Collatz Conjecture
- Robot Simulator
- Yacht
- Protein Translation
- Rust
- Linked List (or Simple Linked List)
- Secret Handshake
- Sieve
- Binary Search
- Pangram
- Python
- etl: in which you can explore reshaping data into a different format
- largest-series-product: where you can practice efficient ways of look for patterns in a string of digits
- saddle-points: to explore working with multidimensional arrays/matrices
- sum-of-multiples: to practice filtering and summation of a sequence of numbers
- word-count: convert a string into words and count them
- Unison
- Ballerina
- Acronym: convert a phrase to its acronym
- Isogram: check whether a phrase contains repeating letters
- Roman Numerals: translate a decimal number into roman numerals
- Raindrops: convert a number into raindrop sounds
- Space Age: calculate how old someone would be on the planets in our solar system