
I just wrote some basic contracts in solidity for learning purpose, it includes four contracts, OddNumber, EvenNumber, PayableContract, SalelsContract.

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I just wrote some basic contracts in solidity for learning purpose, it includes four contracts, OddNumber, EvenNumber, PayableContract, SalelsContract.


In this contract there are two methods the one who sets the limits and second who returns the value of odd numbers.

  function setLimit(uint _limit)
  function getTotalOddNumbers()constant returns (uint)


In this contract there are two methods the one who sets the limits and second who returns the value of even numbers.

  function setLimit(uint _limit)
  function getTotalOddNumbers()constant returns (uint)


Sales contract have some basic tax related functions or you can say this is a tax calculator. It has five various functions.

function setAmount(uint _amount)
function getTotalStateTax() constant returns (uint)
function getCountyTax() constant returns (uint)
function geTotalSalesTax() constant returns (uint)
function geTotalSalesAmount() constant returns (uint)


Payable contract works as a online funds transfer machine. Its deposit funds and withdraw it using some major modifier. It has three functions a modifier and an event.

 event UserStatus(string FirstMsg, uint funds, string SecondMsg, address user);
 modifier isClient()
 function depositFunds() payable
 function withdrawFunds(uint amount) isClient
 function getFunds () isClient constant returns (uint)

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