System is Designed for Reimbursement Request for the employees and the manager .
Clone this repo by the link:
You need to install npm and psql databases .
To download all packages from npm (Front end Folder and Back End folder)
npm install
And start the Node server
npm run dev
And also start react server
npm start
const express = require('express')
const app = express();
const port = 8080
app.listen(port,()=>{console.log("Node is listning at http://localhost:8080")});
- Node - The web framework used for building API
- React - Front-End
- Visual Studio Code - Editor
- PostgreeSQL - Data Bases
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Hamza Asif - hamzaaasif
- Osama Ahmed - OsamaAhmed1999