This repository contains exercises and projects relating to Course 1 of Coursera's Web Technologies and Security Specialization. The course begins by first introducing simple elements in HTML. This is accomplished by first creating the building blocks of a 'To Do List' web app, which can be found in the 'Week1(HTML)elements.html' file. CSS is then introduced to style the webpage, and advanced styles are also learned. This can be found in 'Week 1 Decorating Elements with CSS.' Using the framework from the previous files, the webpage is enhanced using the power of vue. This can be found in 'Week 2&3 Creating a Todo list using vue', 'Week3 Todo Item', and 'TodoFooter.'
-The Vue framework enabled me to create a fully functional to-do list application with a responsive user interface, robust data management, and event handling for common to-do list operations. It provides a seamless user experience with the ability to add, edit, remove, and filter todos while maintaining data integrity through local storage persistence.