Customer relationship management app that can help you manage your sales and customers


  • individualize customers for each salesman
  • each salesman can add new customer
  • each salesman only access his/her customers
  • Create Quote
  • Follow up sales
  • Send quote as Email to your customer
  • save email history
  • Export Quotes as PDF
  • API for see each salesman customers (use JWT Authentication)
  • individualize each salesman profile and sale history (not added yet)


  • Python 3.8
  • Django 3.2
  • Django rest framework
  • SimpleJWT
  • Postgresql
  • Weasyprint
  • Celery

Note 1: you can find required python libraries in requirement.txt

install requirements using pip install -r requirement.txt

Note 2: some of requirements need somethings on your OS like Weasyprint and Celery .
you can install weasyprint following installation guide
and you can use Celery following documentation