
Code for Rawrify.com. An ultra-lightweight general utility API

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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An ultra-lightweight general utility API

Created and maintained by @Han-Lon

Summary/Intro Videos

What is it?

Simply put, Rawrify is an ultra-lightweight general purpose API that you can use for things like getting your public IPv4 address, quickly encoding files/strings as base64, and so on.

How do I use it?

Refer to the wiki for instructions. The rest of this README are for the infrastructure and app code that support Rawrify.

Architecture Diagram


Feature Roadmap

  • v0.3
    • Steganographic functions
    • Asymmetric encryption/decryption
  • v0.2
    • Symmetric encryption/decryption
    • Use CloudFront custom headers to add more client-relevant information
    • Better error handling
    • Fix issue with etag in Terraform code causing unnecessary changes for every apply
    • Add explicit Route53 routes for ipv4 and ipv6 subdomains
  • v0.1
    • IPv4, IPv6, and user agent lookup
    • Base64 encoding/decoding
    • Temperature/weather lookup for latitude/longitude location using Weather.gov API