
The Pytorch reproduction of WMCNN [Aerial Image Super Resolution via Wavelet Multiscale Convolutional Neural Networks]

Primary LanguagePython


The Pytorch reproduction of WMCNN [Aerial Image Super Resolution via Wavelet Multiscale Convolutional Neural Networks] If you use this code, please cite the paper.

The PSNR value on RSSCN7 dataset is compared in the following table.

Methods Upscaling factor Grass Field Industry River Lake Forest Resident Parking Average
WMCNN_paper 2 38.82 37.30 28.35 32.41 29.68 28.49 29.10 32.02
WMCNN_pytorch 2 38.98 37.38 28.28 32.31 29.71 28.33 30.00 32.14


Generate data

First, you need to download the RSSCN7 dataset in this site and put it in the directory "data/rsscn7". Then you can either use the following two methods to generate the hdf5 dataset. (*Note: using other datasets is also possible.)


Use the code "generate_train.m" provided in folder 'matlab_generate_data' to generate hdf5 dataset.


If the matlab is not available, you can use python code "data_generator.py" to generate hdf5 dataset.


  1. First, update the dataset path in config file 'configs/wmcnn.json'
 "train_data_loader": {
    "data_path": "./data/rsscn7/",
    "train_path": "full_wdata.h5",
  1. Use the following code for training,
python main_train.py -c configs/wmcnn.json

After training, the config file will be copied to 'experiments/wmcnn/wmcnn.json' You can check the log during training in 'experiments/wmcnn/log' with tensorboard.


  1. First, update the testing dataset path in config file 'experiments/wmcnn/wmcnn.json'
  "test_data_loader": {
    "data_path": "./data/rsscn7/",
    "test_path": "Samples/",
    "upscale": 2
  1. Use the following code for testing,
python main_test.py -c experiments/wmcnn/wmcnn.json