
Haskell bindings to FLTK GUI toolkit.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Fltkhs - A Haskell Binding to the FLTK GUI Library

Fltkhs aims to be a complete Haskell binding to the [FLTK GUI library] 1.

It also comes with the requisite C-wrappers around FLTK. These wrappers will be published as independent library but for now they are bundled because the API is not yet suitable for C programmers.

The c-src directory contains the C-wrappers around the FLTK widgets and functions.

The c-examples directory contains C ports of some of the examples provided with the FLTK distribution.

The src directory contains the Haskell bindings.

The Haskell demo examples are in src/Examples.


Unfortunately this package does not currently install in Windows. The instructions below are only for OSX and Linux.

First make sure you have OpenGL and then download and install [FLTK 1.3.3] 2.

The recommended way to install FLTK on Linux is from source. The reason is that some package managers seem to put the headers and libraries in a non-standard locations. On OSX and Linux it should build and install smoothly using the standard:

> ./configure
> make
> make install

If you are customizing your configure step it is important to at least enable OpenGL and Cairo like so:

> ./configure --enable-gl --enable-cairo

If you didn't install FLTK from source you will need to ensure that the FLTK headers are in the include path and, along with the standard FLTK library, fltk_gl, and fltk_cairo are also in the library path. You will also need the make, autoconf, and autoheader tools to build the Haskell bindings.

Make sure c2hs is also installed with cabal install c2hs.

Then clone this repository:

> git clone https://github.com/deech/fltkhs

Then, only on Linux and OSX, once FLTK is installed, the standard Cabal build command cabal build from the top-level directory should build everything including the C/C++ wrappers and Haskell demos.

NOTE: If are getting a flood of undefined reference errors please install FLTK from source as outlined above. It seems as though some package managers put the libraries and headers in non-standard places.

The available demos are listed in fltkhs.cabal as separate Executable components. Once it is done building, dist/build/<demo-name>/<demo-name> should run any of them. For example to run the buttons demo, from the top-level directory do:

> dist/build/buttons/buttons

The effort to have the library and demos build/install seamlessly on Windows is on-going.

While most of the bindings are complete, the following still needs to be done:

  • the rest of the bindings
  • More Haskell demos
  • Documentation
  • make the library portable across Windows/Linux/OSX.

Once the work is complete this README will include more extensive instructions.