
Source codes for EACL 2021 paper "Diverse Adversaries for Mitigating Bias in Training"

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Source codes for EACL 2021 paper "Diverse Adversaries for Mitigating Bias in Training"

Xudong Han, Timothy Baldwin and Trevor Cohn (to appear) Diverse Adversaries for Mitigating Bias in Training, In Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2021), virtual.


    python 3.7
    jupyter notebook


To get the dataset, please follow the instruction from https://github.com/shauli-ravfogel/nullspace_projection

  1. Download deepmoji data
    mkdir -p data/deepmoji
    wget https://storage.googleapis.com/ai2i/nullspace/deepmoji/pos_pos.npy -P data/deepmoji
    wget https://storage.googleapis.com/ai2i/nullspace/deepmoji/pos_neg.npy -P data/deepmoji
    wget https://storage.googleapis.com/ai2i/nullspace/deepmoji/neg_pos.npy -P data/deepmoji
    wget https://storage.googleapis.com/ai2i/nullspace/deepmoji/neg_neg.npy -P data/deepmoji
    See download_data.sh for more details.
  2. Get train, dev, and test splits. $INPUT_DIR is where the downloaded files are saved.
     python deepmoji_split.py \
             --input_dir $INPUT_DIR \
             --output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR
    Find the deepmoji_split.py file from the INLP repo.


  • Standard Model: nb_deepmoji.ipynb
  • INLP Debiasing: nb_INLP.ipynb
  • Adversarial Debiasing: nb_adv.ipynb
  • Adversarial Ensemble: nb_adv_ensemble.ipynb
  • Adversarial Diverse: nb_differentiated_adv.ipynb

Notice that in our paper, Table 1 results are averaged over 10 runs. Above notebooks are just one run rather than averaged scores.


$data_path the the folder of splits.

  1. Standard model
python script_deepmoji.py \
        --data_path $data_path
  1. Adv model
python script_deepmoji.py \
        --data_path $data_path \
        --adv \
        --LAMBDA 0.8 \
        --n_discriminator 1
  1. Ensemble model with $N sub-models
python script_deepmoji.py \
        --data_path $data_path \
        --adv \
        --LAMBDA 0.8 \
        --n_discriminator $N
  1. Separation model
python script_deepmoji.py \
    --data_path $data_path \
    --adv \
    --LAMBDA 0.8 \
    --n_discriminator $N \
    --DL \
    --diff_LAMBDA 10000