Shepherd Money Interview Project


Thanks for your interest in applying to Shepherd Money! Complete this short toy project before your interview to help us evaluate your skills as a software engineer. It shouldn't take more than an hour if you know Spring Boot. We look forward to seeing your work and learning more about you!


Create a public repository on Github or Gitlab with the code committed to the main branch. Send the repository link to

Testing and What We Are Looking For

Feel free to test your solution with your own inputs as we don't provide local test cases. To run the project, use the code below. JDK 17 is required, so make sure it's installed on your computer. If you're using Debian Linux, you can install it with sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk.

./gradlew bootRun

We will test your solution by calling the APIs directly. While correctness is important, we are more interested in how you designed the API and your coding practices, such as using clear variable names, good comments, and good naming conventions.

Project Summary

Write a Spring Boot program that manages user creation/deletion and adding credit cards to their profiles. Users may have zero or more credit cards associated with them. Also, create two APIs: one to get all credit cards for a user and another to find a user by their credit card number.

Files to Change

Any files with content marked with TODO will contains hints on what to add. You are welcomed to add/modify any files to help to implement this project.


Following is a component overview of the models. You can find more hints in the source code files as well

  • User: each user has their name, date of birth, and some (or none) credit cards associated with them
  • CreditCard: each credit card has issance bank, card number, who the card belongs to, and a list of balance history
  • BalanceHistory: credit card balance for a specific date.


The controllers should contain enough comment for you to implement their basic functionalities. Note that apart from implementing the simple functionalities, we are looking for good coding conventions, good error handling, etc.

Useful Tools

  • PostMan: useful to send http requests to test your API
  • H2 Console: when running your project, you can use http://localhost:8080/h2-ui to access the h2 console. This will allow to look at what's stored in the database.
    • The database name is database
    • The username is sa
    • The password is password


If you have project related issues, feel free to raise an issue on the repository :D. If you have more private questions, please reach out to