
a header only prograss bar library for cpp

Primary LanguageC++


a header only progress bar library for cpp


  1. Track execution time with high precision
  2. Provides linear execution time prediction
  3. Lock-free
  4. Low overhead (less than 1%)


  • ProgressBar(T totalTaskNumbers=0) - Constructor
    • Create a progressbar with given total number of tasks
  • init(int totalTaskNumbers,float precision=0)
    • Initialize the progressbar, set the total number of tasks and update precision (default 1, ranging from 0~1)
  • setWidth(int width)
    • Set the width of progressbar to avoid exceeding the console
  • inc(int taskNumbers=1)
    • Submit the number of completed tasks (default 1)
  • update()
    • Update the displayed progressbar


  1. Non-linear execution time prediction
  2. Visualize execution progress