
Welcome to the Task-Manager Django project! This project is built using Python Django, Django Rest Framework, MongoDB as Database and Django templates with Ajax as well as essential Javascript snippets.

Primary LanguagePython

Task Manager App

Welcome to the Task-Manager Django project! This project is built using Python Django, Django Rest Framework, MongoDB as Database and Django templates with Ajax as well as essential Javascript snippets.


  • Users can register using email and password.
  • Email OTP Registration system.
  • create, and update tasks according to dates.
  • Users can view Tasks on a Calendar for a User friedly experience.
  • Delete finished Tasks.

Getting Started


Before you start, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Python
  • Django
  • Django Rest Framework
  • MongoDB GUI


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/Hananvc/Task-Manager.git

  2. Navigate to the project directory:

  3. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt Requirments are as follows,

    asgiref==3.7.2 Django==4.1.13 django-environ==0.11.2 djangorestframework==3.14.0 djongo==1.3.6 dnspython==2.4.2 pymongo==3.12.1 pytz==2023.3.post1 sqlparse==0.2.4 typing_extensions==4.9.0 tzdata==2023.3

  4. Create a MongoDB cluster database: Recommending to use MongoDB ATLAS

  5. Setup Django Smtp

  6. Add environment Variables in Project settings directory as following variable names: DEBUG=True SECRET_KEY='' EMAIL_HOST=smtp.gmail.com EMAIL_PORT=587 EMAIL_HOST_USER= EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD=


  7. Run the local server: python manage.py runserver

Now, your Django Project should be up and running.


For those who want to skip the hassle of running the project locally, I recommend to follow the below URL.
