Example Handcash Items Client

Getting started

Add your configuration to app settings. You can find these credentials at https://dashboard.handcash.io

  "HandcashConfig": {
    "BaseUrl": "https://cloud.handcash.io",
    "AppId": "<app-id>",
    "AppSecret": "<app-secret>",
    "AuthToken": "<auth-token>"

A full description of the item metadata is here https://docs.handcash.io/docs/collection-metadata

important notes

  • using this new endpoint minting is free and we are limiting file sizes to 50kb and batch sizes of 100 items per batch
  • you provide 2 images
    • item.mediaDetails.image.url is a link to the image that is put on chain with a limit of 50kb
    • item.mediaDetails.image.imageHighResUrl is a link to an image that Handcash will cache to display in market and portal and this does not have a size limit

Functions Description


  • Purpose: Creates an order to add items to a collection in the background.
  • Parameters:
    • collectionId: The ID of the collection to add items to.
    • itemsToCreate: A list of item metadata for creation.
  • Returns: An instance of CreateItemsOrder containing details about the creation order, including its ID.
  • Performance Note: Approximately 15 seconds for 100 items at 50kb each, and around 3 seconds for 10 items at 50kb each.


  • Purpose: Retrieves the current status of an item creation order.
  • Parameters:
    • orderId: The ID of the order to check.
  • Returns: An updated CreateItemsOrder object reflecting the current status of the order.
  • Usage: Useful for tracking the progress or completion of an item creation order.


  • Purpose: Fetches the list of items associated with a specific creation order.
  • Parameters:
    • orderId: The ID of the order whose items are to be retrieved.
  • Returns: A list of Item objects that were part of the specified order.
  • Usage: Allows retrieval of all items created as part of a specific order, once the order is completed.

General Notes

  • These functions are part of a client library designed to interact with the Handcash cloud API.
  • Ensure proper authentication and error handling when using these functions.