
An introduction to HandCash Items

Primary LanguageTypeScript

HandCash Items Example Project

Getting started

This project demo's examples of how to create and manage items for your Handcash Application. You may want to take different pieces and scripts of this repo and add them directly into your game logic.

Install dependencies

npm install

Set up project variables

Paste your credentials in the .env file:



Create a collection

import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { HandCashMinter, Environments, Types, HandCashConnect } from '@handcash/handcash-connect';


const handCashMinter = HandCashMinter.fromAppCredentials({
  appId: process.env.HANDCASH_APP_ID,
  authToken: process.env.HANDCASH_AUTH_TOKEN,

(async () => {
  const creationOrder = await handCashMinter.createCollectionOrder({
      name: 'HandCash Team Caricatures',
      description: 'A unique collection of caricatures of the HandCash team',
      mediaDetails: {
        image: {
          url: 'https://res.cloudinary.com/handcash-iae/image/upload/v1685141160/round-handcash-logo_cj47fp_xnteyo_oy3nbd.png',
          contentType: 'image/png'

  const items = await handCashMinter.getOrderItems(creationOrder.id);
  console.log(`Collection Created, collectionId: ${items[0].id}`);

Expected Output

After running the script, you should see the following output in the console:

Collection Created, collectionId: 6578857e01a833fb337aaa3b

Next, we will add some items to this new collection so keep the collection id.

Create Items

You will need to reference a collection to add the items to. You can use the collection id from the previous step.

import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { HandCashMinter } from '@handcash/handcash-connect';


const handCashMinter = HandCashMinter.fromAppCredentials({
  appId: process.env.HANDCASH_APP_ID,
  authToken: process.env.HANDCASH_AUTH_TOKEN,

(async () => {

  const collectionId = "657762fc2acbecc109d8c1fb";

const creationOrder = await handCashMinter.createItemsOrder({
  items: [
      user: "612cba70e108780b4f6817ad",
      name: "Rafa",
      rarity: "Mythic",
      attributes: [
        { name: "Edition", value: "Test", displayType: "string" },
        { name: "Generation", value: "1", displayType: "string" },
        { name: "Country", value: "Spain", displayType: "string" }
      mediaDetails: {
        image: {
          url: "https://res.cloudinary.com/handcash-iae/image/upload/v1702398977/items/jyn2qqyqyepqhqi9p661.webp",
          imageHighResUrl: "https://res.cloudinary.com/handcash-iae/image/upload/v1697465892/items/zq0lupxoj8id1uedgz2h.png",
          contentType: "image/webp"
      color: "#bf9078",
      quantity: 3
      user: "6213a44bf2936f711c8d19d3",
      name: "Alex",
      rarity: "Mythic",
      attributes: [
        { name: "Edition", value: "Test", displayType: "string" },
        { name: "Generation", value: "1", displayType: "string" },
        { name: "Country", value: "Andorra", displayType: "string" }
      mediaDetails: {
        image: {
          url: "https://res.cloudinary.com/handcash-iae/image/upload/v1702398906/items/da2qv0oqma0hs3gqevg7.webp",
          imageHighResUrl: "https://res.cloudinary.com/handcash-iae/image/upload/v1697465892/items/gh7tsn11svhx7z943znv.png",
          contentType: "image/webp"
      color: "#73c9ac",
      quantity: 3
      name: "Brandon Bryant",
      rarity: "Mythic",
      attributes: [
        { name: "Edition", value: "Test", displayType: "string" },
        { name: "Generation", value: "2", displayType: "string" },
        { name: "Country", value: "United States", displayType: "string" }
      mediaDetails: {
        image: {
          url: "https://res.cloudinary.com/handcash-iae/image/upload/v1702398906/items/da2qv0oqma0hs3gqevg7.webp",
          imageHighResUrl: "https://res.cloudinary.com/handcash-iae/image/upload/v1697465892/items/edaoeseq43yqdbqwjzn4.png",
          contentType: "image/webp"
      color: "#adeaf5",
      quantity: 1

console.log(`Items order created, items are being created asynchronous`);
const items = await handCashMinter.getOrderItems(creationOrder.id);
console.log('Items created', items);

In this example, 7 items in total are created:

  • 3 "Rafa's" are created to the user with id 612cba70e108780b4f6817ad
  • 3 "Alex's" are created to the user with id 6213a44bf2936f711c8d19d3
  • 1 "Brandon Bryant" is created to the applications business wallet because no user was specified.

Get Inventory

In this example, HANDCASH_AUTH_TOKEN can be either:

  • The business wallet auth token.
  • Any user auth token that has been connected to your application.


import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { HandCashConnect} from "@handcash/handcash-connect";


const handcashAccount = new HandCashConnect({
    appId: process.env.HANDCASH_APP_ID
    appSecret: process.env.HANDCASH_APP_SECRET

(async () => {
 const filters = {
        collectionId: "657762fc2acbecc109d8c1fb",
        searchString: "Brandon Bryant",
        from: 0,
        to: 50,
        fetchAttributes: false,
        sort: "createdAt",
        order: "asc"
    const items = await handcashAccount.items.getItemsInventory(filters);

For more details about fetching inventory check this example.


import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { HandCashConnect} from "@handcash/handcash-connect";


const handcashAccount = new HandCashConnect({
    appId: process.env.HANDCASH_APP_ID
    appId: process.env.HANDCASH_APP_SECRET

(async () => {
 const filters = {
        collectionId: "657762fc2acbecc109d8c1fb",
        searchString: "Brandon Bryant",
        from: 0,
        to: 1,
    const receiverUserId = "612cba70e108780b4f6817ad";
    const items = await handcashAccount.items.getItemsInventory(filters);
    const result = await account.items.transfer({
        destinationsWithOrigins: [
              destination: receiverUserId,
              origins: [items[0].origin]
    console.log(`- ✅ Item transferred to ${destination}!`);

Webhook Events (beta)

Webhook events are sent from HandCash Cloud to the webhook url that is configured for the current application. Option to configure the webhook url will come in the HandCash Developer Dashboard, however this feature is still in beta so please reach out to the team to set your applications webhook url.

Webhooks payloads are signed using the handcash app secret and the signature is attached to the request header handcash-signature

The signed payload is created by applying a SHA256 HMAC to the stringified body of the request, using the app secret as the key.

The base webhook body is composed of

Property Type Description
event 'item_listing_payment_completed' | 'items_transferred' Specifies the type of event that has occurred.
applicationId string The unique identifier for the application.
apiVersion string The version of the API used.
created string The timestamp when the event was created.
data Object Domain data specific to the event.


Event Description
ItemListingPaymentCompletedEventPayload Triggered when an item from the application is sold on Handcash Market.
ItemsTransferredEventPayload Triggered when an item is transferred from a user.