
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Income Calculator REST API

GitHub commits Docker Maven

First clone repository

git clone https://github.com/Handy-caT/incomeCalculator.git

You can choose a way to start up the application

  • Using run bash script

    run was created as a single entry point to run the application, so you can use it to start application in all possible ways:

    • Using Docker

      ./run -d
    • Using Maven

      ./run -m

    If you want to know more about run script usage, read here

  • Manually using Docker

    docker-compose up

The application will start running at http://localhost:8080/

You need to be authenticated to use APIs but some features is available for not authenticated users. Let's start from authentication

Method Url Description Request Sample
POST /auth Authentication JSON
POST /register Registration for new users JSON

After registration/authentication you will receive a token for further usage of API.

Token is used as a bearer token, so you need to add Authentication header to all requests, you will get new token in response headers. So your token is updated after all request. Token also has 1 day expiration limit.

Method Url Description Request Sample
GET /users All users list. Only for admin users
GET /users/me Get authenticated user info
GET /users/{id} Get user by id, if user is same to authenticated user
DELETE /users/{id} Delete user by id, if user is same to authenticated user
PATCH /users/{id}/password Password update JSON
PATCH /users/{id}/makeAdmin Only for admins
PATCH /users/{id}/makeUser Only for admins
Method Url Description Request Sample
GET /currencyUnits Currency units list. Available even for not authenticated users
GET /currencyUnits/{id} Currency unit by id
GET /currencyUnits/{currencyName}?parammode=1 Currency unit by currency name
GET /currencyUnits/{currencyId}?parammode=2 Currency unit by currency id
POST /currencyUnit/{id} Add currency unit. Admin tool JSON
DELETE /currencyUnit/{id} Delete currency unit. Admin tool
PUT /currencyUnits/{id} Update currency unit. Admin tool JSON
Method Url Description Request Sample
GET /ratios Get todays ratios
GET /ratios?ondate=21_05_2022 Get ratio on date in format dd_MM_yyyy
GET /ratios/{id} Get ratio by id
GET /ratios/{currencyName}?parammode=1 Get todays ratio for currency
DELETE /ratios/{id} Delete ratio. Admin tool
DELETE /ratios?ondate=21_05_2022 Delete ratio on date. Admin tool
PUT /ratios/{id} Update ratio. Admin tool JSON
POST /ratios/{id} Add ratio. Admin tool JSON
Method Url Description Request Simple
GET /cards Get all your cards if user, or all existing cards if admin
GET /cards/{id} Get card by id if card belongs to you
GET /cards/{id}/transactions Get all transactions for card, if card belong to you
POST /cards Create new card JSON
POST /cards/{id}/transactions Create new transaction to card
DELETE /cards/{id}/transaction/{transactionId} Delete transaction for card by id and transaction id
GET /cards/{id}/transaction/{transactionId} Get transaction for card by id and transaction id
PATCH /cards/{id} Rename card if it belongs to you JSON
DELETE /cards/{id} Delete card if it belongs to you

Password change (/users/{id}/password)

    "login": "login",
    "oldPassword": "oldPa$$W0rd",
    "newPassword": "nEwPa$Sw0r6"

Currency Unit sample (/currencyUnit/{id})

    "currencyName": "USD",
    "currencyId": 432,
    "currencyScale": 1

Ratio sample (/ratios/{id})

    "currencyName": "USD",
    "ratio": 2.3456,
    "dateString": "21_05_2022"

Card sample (/cards)

    "cardName": "card",
    "currencyName": "USD"

Card patch (/cards)

    "cardName": "newCard"

Auth request (/auth,/register)

    "login": "zuka",
    "password": "pa$$W0rd"
  1. Card controller

    Tests: 32,

    Controller coverage: 100%

  2. Currency Unit controller

    Tests: 13,

    Controller coverage: 100%

  3. Ratio controller

    Tests: 12,

    Controller coverage: 85%

  4. Auth controller

    Tests: 3,

    Controller coverage: 95%

run script is made to easier run application

Flag Description
d Run application via docker-compose
m Run application locally via Maven


build script is made to build application

Flag Description
d Pull docker images  from docker hub
C Compile Maven project
A Build all docker images locally
g Build Gateway docker image
c Build Card API docker image
u Build User API docker image
p Push created images to docker hub
