
Quarkus REST-API that operate a MongoDB to manage a food delivery service

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A Quarkus API for a MongoDB database.

📝 Purpose

  • Create a Quakus API using a MongoDB database.
  • Implement the CRUD operations to manage a food delivery service.

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Getting Started

In order to get a quick setup of a MongoDB database, you can use Docker Desktop.

  1. Add a container with the mongo:latest image
  2. Set ports to 27017:27017
  3. Launch the container

The API is setup with the default MongoDB port 27017. Feel free to change it at your convenience.


Find the database collections description here.


Find a simple CDM here. It doesn't fill well with mongo but that can help to understand objects interractions.

Quarkus API

Getting Started

Make sure to get a running MongoDB container before starting the API.

To setup the API quickly we will use IDEA Intellji.

  1. Open ./Sources/ as a project
  2. Add a configuration to run the ./Sources/src/main/java/com/mongeat/launch/Main.java main. (pom will automatically download dependencies)
  3. Go to ./Sources/src/main/resources/application.properties and change the quarkus.mongodb.connection-string to your MongoDB connection string
  4. Launch the configuration with Java SDK 17 or newer
  5. With a browser or Postman, go to http://localhost:8080/admin/setup
  6. Feel free to explore the API with swagger

You can also use the ./Documentation/API/Mong-eat.postman_collection.json file to import the API in Postman.


Theses diagrams are not fully accurate and only gave the global idea of the conception.


class Controller {
Controller --> Service
Controller --> Mapper~D, M~

class Service {
Service --> Repository
Service --> Converter~M, E~

class Repository {
Repository --> Codec

class Mapper~D, M~ {
Mapper .. DTO
Mapper .. Model

class Converter~M, E~ {
Converter .. Model
Converter .. Entity

This API is implement following the Controller -> Service -> Repository architecture.

  • Controllers:
    • Handle the HTTP requests
    • Call the services
    • Return the responses
  • Services:
    • Handle the business logic
    • Call the repositories
  • Repositories:
    • Handle the database access
    • Call the codecs

To interact through the layers and convert DTOs to Models and Models to Entities, we use mappers and converters. It allows us to keep the layers independant and to have a better control over the data. It allows improve the code readability and maintainability.


class GenericController~D, DA, M, MA, E~ {
    # setService(@NonNull GenericService~M_MA_E~ service)
    # setMapper(@NonNull GenericMapper~M_D~ mapper)
    # setPostMapper(@NonNull GenericPostMapper~MA_DA~ postMapper)
    + getById(String id) Response
    + getAll() Response
    + getPaginated(int page, int limit) Response
    + insert(DA dto) Response
    + insertAll(Collection~DA~ dtos) Response
    + update(DA dto) Response
    + updateAll(Collection~DA~ dtos) Response
    + delete(String id) Response
    + deleteAll() Response
    + drop() Response
    + exists(String id) Response
    + getCount() Response
GenericController --> "1" GenericService~M, MA, E~

class ArticleController {
    + getByName(String name) Response
GenericController <|.. ArticleController

class OrderController {
GenericController <|.. OrderController

class RestaurantController {
    + getByName(String name) Response
GenericController <|.. RestaurantController

class UserController {
    + getByName(String name) Response
GenericController <|.. UserController

class AdminController {
    + loadStub(String entity) Response
    + drop(String entity) Response
    + setup() Response

The controllers are the entry point of the API.

  • They handle the HTTP requests
  • They call the services
  • They return the responses

class GenericService~M, MA, E~ {
    # setRepository(GenericRepository~E~ repository)
    # setConverter(GenericConverter~M_E~ converter)
    # setPostConverter(GenericPostConverter~MA_E~ postConverter)
    + getById(String id) ~M~
    + getAll() ~Collection~M~~
    + getPaginated(int page, int limit) ~Collection~M~~
    + insert(M model)
    + insertAll(Collection~M~ models)
    + update(M model)
    + updateAll(Collection~M~ models)
    + delete(String id)
    + deleteAll()
    + exists(String id) Boolean
    + getCount() Long
GenericService --> "1" GenericRepository~E~

class ArticleService~Article, NewArticle, ArticleEntity~ {
    + findByRestaurantId(String id) List~Article~
GenericService <|.. ArticleService

class OrderService~Order, NewOrder, OrderEntity~ {
    + @Override getById(String id) ~Order~
    + @Override getAll() ~Collection~Order~~
    - getArticlesFromOrder(OrderEntity order) List~Article~
GenericService <|.. OrderService

class RestaurantService~Restaurant, NewRestaurant, RestaurantEntity~ {
    + @Override getById(String id) ~Restaurant~
    + @Override getAll() ~Collection~Restaurant~~
    + findByName(String name) List~Restaurant~
    - getArticlesFromRestaurant(RestaurantEntity restaurant) List~Article~
GenericService <|.. RestaurantService

class UserService~User, NewUser, UserEntity~ {
    + findByName(String name) List~User~
GenericService <|.. UserService

class AdminService {
    + drop(String type)
    + creadeStube(String type) Boolean
    + setup() Boolean
BaseRepository <|.. AdminService

The services are the core of the API.

  • They handle the business logic
  • They call the repositories

class GenericRepository~E~ {
    + getCollection()* MongoCollection~E~
    + findById(String id) ~E~
    + getAll() ~Collection~E~~
    + gePaginated(int page, int limit) ~Collection~E~~
    + insert(E entity)
    + insterAll(Collection~E~ entities)
    + update(E entity)
    + updateAll(Collection~E~ entities)
    + delete(String id)
    + deleteAll()
    + exists(String id) Boolean
    + count() Long
BaseRepository <|.. GenericRepository

class ArticleRepository~ArticleEntity~ {
    + @Override getCollection()* MongoCollection~ArticleEntity~
    + findByName(String name) List~ArticleEntity~
GenericRepository <|.. ArticleRepository

class OrderRepository~OrderEntity~ {
    + @Override getCollection()* MongoCollection~OrderEntity~
GenericRepository <|.. OrderRepository

class RestaurantRepository~RestaurantEntity~ {
    + @Override getCollection()* MongoCollection~RestaurantEntity~
    + findByName(String name) List~RestaurantEntity~
GenericRepository <|.. RestaurantRepository

class UserRepository~UserEntity~ {
    + @Override getCollection()* MongoCollection~UserEntity~
    + findByName(String name) List~UserEntity~
GenericRepository <|.. UserRepository

The repositories are the link between the API and the database.

  • They handle the database access
  • They call the codecs

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