
Uncompleted projet for password management.

Primary LanguageC#

Tag Language

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Rossignol is a mobile app for password management. Find our wiki there.


Rossignol is a mobile application available on booth IOS and Android. It's main goal is to provide to they users the ability to securly store and generate their passwords.

This is a quick look of the HomePage & MainPage page of the application (while been connected with an online account).

LoginPage MainPage


  • Localy store & generate passwords
  • Edit and store informations about a password
  • Use the application throw multiples devices*
  • Share password to application users*
  • Be notify when someone shares you a password

*with an online account

Getting Started

    1. Install Visual Studio 22
    1. With the Visual Studio Installer add theses components:
    • .NET Desktop developpement (.NET6 runtime)
    • ASP.NET (Core)
    1. Clean & Build the project solution


with the newest versions of our IDataManager this procedure is no longer required to use this project, as the code veries that the database already exists or creates it whenever needed. This is applicable for :memory: and sqlite databases. The sqlite database file is created at the root of the temporary windows system folder.

This project does not yet support server style databases like mysql.

  • To create some migration
    • Delete ./Rossignol/Sources/EF_Model/Migrations
    • With the terminal and with the ./Rossignol/Sources/EF_Model path, run the dotnet ef migrations add <whatever> command.
      • If an error occur, run this command: dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
  • To create a data base
    • With the same path run the dotnet ef database update --startup-project ..\Tests\TestEntities\TestEntities.csproj command, which will apply the migration to the project.

Note that the EF_Model project needs the EntityFrameworkCore + EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite + EntityFrameworkCore.Tools nugget package to work. Also note that the TestEntities project needs the EntityFrameworkCore.Design nugget package to work.


You can find the documentation & the Postman test collection under ./Documentation/webservices.

API Gateway


