Dictionary Web Application


This is a simple web application that allows users to search for words and retrieve their definitions. The application uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the front-end and is styled using Bootstrap along with custom CSS.


  • Word Search: Users can type a word into the input field and click the "Search" button to look up definitions.
  • Sound Pronunciation: Users can listen to the pronunciation of the word.
  • Responsive Design: Utilizes Bootstrap for a responsive layout that adapts to different screen sizes.
  • Modern UI: Styled with custom CSS and integrated with Google Fonts and Font Awesome for an appealing design.
  • Loading Spinner: Displays a spinner while fetching data to indicate loading status.

Technologies Used

  • HTML5: Structure and markup.
  • CSS3: Styling and layout.
  • JavaScript: For interactivity and functionality.
  • Bootstrap 5: For responsive design and UI components.
  • Google Fonts: For typography.
  • Font Awesome: For icons.

Error Handling

The application includes error handling to provide feedback to users in case of issues:

  1. Empty Input Field: If the input field is empty when the "Search" button is clicked, a message prompts the user to enter a word.
  2. Word Not Found (404): If the word is not found in the dictionary API, a message indicates that the resource was not found (404).
  3. Other HTTP Errors: For any other HTTP errors, a message displays the error status.
  4. Network or Other Errors: General errors during the fetch operation are caught and displayed, advising users to try again later.

Project Demo

You can view a live demo of this project here.

Feel free to explore and test the functionality of the application.


searchOnPc spinner

On Phone
