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function that searches for the player in a map represented as a 2D array of characters.


function that sets the direction vector of the player based on the character representing their initial direction.

  • Direção Norte: dir_x = 0, dir_y = -1
  • Direção Sul: dir_x = 0, dir_y = 1
  • Direção Oeste: dir_x = -1, dir_y = 0
  • Direção Leste: dir_x = 1, dir_y = 0


function that defines the player's camera plane vector based on their direction. (The plane vector is used to calculate the camera's position in three-dimensional space)


the function iterates over each column of the screen and calculates the information for a single ray for each column.


used to determine the distance from the player to the next vertical or horizontal wall.


the side distance is the distance from the player to the next grid line in the map for each direction.


this function determines whether the ray hit a wall in the map or not and calculates the perpendicular distance of the collision from the side distance.


this function puts color to a given pixel in the image. The code sets different shades, creating a 3D wall effect.


a function to handle key press events

move_w || move_s

the function checks if the next position of the player in the x-axis and y-axis are empty spaces on the map. If both x-axis and y-axis next positions are empty spaces, then the player's x and y position are updated to their next positions, moving the player forward in the direction of the current angle.


rotates the player's direction and camera plane in the clockwise direction


rotates the player's direction and camera plane in the counterclockwise direction