Library Management System


Library Management System is an OOP project developed by students:

  1. Hadi Ahmed Abdel Salam
  2. Hadi Atef Sayed
  3. Hadi Ehab Ragaa
  4. Hani Mohamed Sayed
  5. Nour Mohamed Hussein Mahmoud
  6. Walid Shaban Ismail Mohamed


This app is used by three types of users

Librarians that can:

  • Add/Remove a book from the library
  • Add/Remove a user from the library
  • Search for books or members
  • Add/Remov a user from Book- Order list
  • Block a user
  • Rent a book

Readers that can:

  • Search for books or users
  • Add of self to Book- Order list
  • Rent a book

Guests that can:

  • Search for books
  • See all Library's books

You can see the project demo form here

For Developers/Collaborators:

To access the Librarians page

login with 1 as id and use h5as password