
Nimble AI miner docker.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Nimble Miner

This project is to run Nimble AI Miner in Docker and uses the official repo. https://github.com/nimble-technology/nimble-miner-public

This project also includes Tmux. Use "tmux attach-session -r -t nimble" through a terminal session to view mining progress.


Run using Docker

Execute this command to download and run Nimble Miner using your supplied wallet address. Replace "YOURWALLETADDRESS" with yours.

docker run --gpus all -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -e TMUX=false -e NIMBLE_WALLET_ADDRESS=YOURWALLETADDRESS 0lav/nimble-miner-public:latest

Optional Flags

  • Run without Tmux, for displaying mining activity in docker logs only.
    -e TMUX=false
  • Use a custom miner repository for custom miner configurations.
    -e REPO=https://github.com/your-username/custom-miner-repo
  • Specify GPU, for running on specific GPUs
    --gpus=0 -e CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0

Run using RunPod GPU Cloud

RunPod referral link https://runpod.io?ref=qvfcm6u5

  • Login to your account and create a new GPU Pod

  • Select the GPU you want to use (RTX 4090 recommended) and click Deploy

  • Click Customize Deployment

  • Replace Container Image with this

  • Expand Enviornment Variables and enter your wallet address in a key and value format.

    # Required
    # Optional
      Key: TMUX
      Value: false  # Set to false to run without Tmux
    # Optional, provide a custom miner repository
      Key: REPO
      Value: https://github.com/your-username/custom-miner-repo

RunPod referral link https://runpod.io?ref=qvfcm6u5

Run using Docker Compose

  1. Clone the repository using Git:

    git clone https://github.com/0lav/nimble-miner-docker.git
    cd nimble-miner-docker

Setting Environment Variables and Running Miner

  1. Option 1: Use .env File
    • Make a copy of the .env.example file in the root of the project.
    • Rename the copied file to .env.
    • Open the .env file in a text editor and enter your Nimble wallet address.
    • Run the following command to start the miner using Docker Compose:
      docker-compose up -d
  2. Option 2: Use System Variables
    • Set the necessary environment variables directly in your system or hosting provider.
    • Run the following command to start the miner using Docker Compose:
      docker-compose up -d

    Environment Variables


    export NIMBLE_WALLET_ADDRESS=your_wallet_address

    Windows (PowerShell)


    Windows (Command Prompt)

    set NIMBLE_WALLET_ADDRESS=your_wallet_address


    export NIMBLE_WALLET_ADDRESS=your_wallet_address

Updating Nimble Miner

If Nimble releases a new version of their miner you can update it by restarting your docker container. It will check for a new version.

Building the Pre-built Docker Image

To create a pre-built Docker image with all the dependencies installed and the Nimble Miner repository cloned and set up, you can use a multi-stage build approach.

  • Open the Dockerfile and update the ARG instruction with the desired repository URL:
ARG REPO=https://github.com/your-username/custom-miner-repo

Replace https://github.com/your-username/custom-miner-repo with the URL of the repository you want to use.

  • Build the pre-built Docker image:
docker build -t nimble-miner-prebuilt .
  • Push the pre-built Docker image to a container registry (e.g., Docker Hub) for distribution:
docker tag nimble-miner-prebuilt your-dockerhub-username/nimble-miner-prebuilt
docker push your-dockerhub-username/nimble-miner-prebuilt

Replace your-dockerhub-username with your actual Docker Hub username.


- Olav (Discord @saintolav)
- Hani (Discord @xH)