
A repository for learning git


A repository for learning git

Git is a Version Control System (VCS). Version Control Systems are a category of software tools that help to manage changes to a code over time. VCS keeps track of every change to the code.

Basically, using a VCS generally means that if you screw things up or lose files, you can easily recover them. Guess that’s motivation enough to learn Git.


We are faced with the most important question of the century- Which came first: the chicken or the egg? And now, we want your help to resolve this question.

Tell us your answer by following the steps below:

  • Fork the repo and then Clone this common github repo from your account to your local system.

  • Create a branch named fullname(your fullname) without any spaces use _ instead of spaces if necessary.

  • In your branch, create a file named log.txt. In this file, you will inventory all the commands you’ve used to complete this task with a short description of each onw by one in order.

  • Also create two branches 1 and 2 with different names locally from your fullname branch. In 1, give a one word answer to the question posed above in log.txt file. In the other (2), explain why you decided on that answer in the log.txt file.

  • Now merge the two branches into fullname branch one by one. Got conflicts? Resolve them manually. Then run Git merge again

  • When you’re ready, pull the most recent changes from the repo. Then, commit your changes and create a pull request.

  • Once your pull request is accepted, fetch and pull the changes to the repo. In your mentor’s branch (master), push your log.txt file. Remember to rename it fullname_log.txt (not creating new file, renaming it).

  • Create another pull request.

For people without computer access:

  • Read up on resources and find out all the commands that will be required to complete the above task.

  • Make a proper documentation about all necessary commands (with explanations) in a doc. Also cover all possible errors and conflicts that may arise.

  • Submit it to your mentor. Your mentor may quiz you on your git knowledge, so please refrain from copying.