
ACL 2022: BRIO: Bringing Order to Abstractive Summarization

Primary LanguagePython

BRIO: Bringing Order to Abstractive Summarization

This repo contains the code, data and trained models for our paper BRIO: Bringing Order to Abstractive Summarization.

Quick Links


We present a novel training paradigm for neural abstractive summarization. Instead of using MLE training alone, we introduce a contrastive learning component, which encourages the abstractive models to estimate the probability of system-generated summaries more accurately.


How to Install

  • python3.8
  • conda create --name env --file spec-file.txt
  • Further steps
    • install additional libraries (after activating the conda env) pip install -r requirements.txt
    • compare_mt -> https://github.com/neulab/compare-mt
      git clone https://github.com/neulab/compare-mt.git
      cd ./compare-mt
      pip install -r requirements.txt
      python setup.py install

Our code is based on Huggingface's Transformers library.

Description of Codes

  • cal_rouge.py -> ROUGE calculation
  • config.py -> model configuration
  • data_utils.py -> dataloader
  • label_smoothing_loss.py -> label smoothing loss
  • main.py -> training and evaluation procedure
  • model.py -> models
  • modeling_bart.py, modeling_pegasus.py -> modefied from Transformers library to support more efficient training
  • preprocess.py -> data preprocessing
  • utils.py -> utility functions
  • gen_candidate.py -> generate candidate summaries


Following directories should be created for our experiments.

  • ./cache -> storing model checkpoints
  • ./result -> storing evaluation results


We use the following datasets for our experiments.

Preprocessed Data

You can download the preprocessed data for our experiments on CNNDM, CNNDM (cased) and XSum.

After donwloading, you should unzip the zip files in this root directory.

For NYT, you will need to get the license and please follow https://github.com/kedz/summarization-datasets for pre-processing.

Generate Candidate Summaries

To generate the candidate summaries from a pre-trained model, please run

python gen_candidate.py --gpuid [gpuid] --src_dir [path of the input file (e.g. test.source)] --tgt_dir [path of the output file] --dataset [cnndm/xsum] 

Preprocess Your Own Data

For data preprocessing, please run

python preprocess.py --src_dir [path of the raw data] --tgt_dir [output path] --split [train/val/test] --cand_num [number of candidate summaries] --dataset [cnndm/xsum/nyt] -l [lowercase if the flag is set]

src_dir should contain the following files (using test split as an example):

  • test.source
  • test.source.tokenized
  • test.target
  • test.target.tokenized
  • test.out
  • test.out.tokenized

Each line of these files should contain a sample except for test.out and test.out.tokenized. In particular, you should put the candidate summaries for one data sample at neighboring lines in test.out and test.out.tokenized.

Notes: after the data preprocessing, you should also put the raw file test.source, test.target into the created data folder (e.g. ./cnndm/diverse/test.source)

We use the PTB tokenizer provided by Standford CoreNLP (download here). Please note that tokenized texts are only used for evaluation. To tokenize a file, you may run (using test.source as an example)

export CLASSPATH=/your_path/stanford-corenlp-3.8.0.jar
cat test.source | java edu.stanford.nlp.process.PTBTokenizer -ioFileList -preserveLines > test.source.tokenized

We have provided the examples files in ./examples/raw_data.

The preprocessing procedure will store the processed data as seperate json files in tgt_dir.

Example: preprocessing test set on CNNDM

# starting from the root directory

# create folders
mkdir ./cnndm
mkdir ./cnndm/diverse
mkdir ./cnndm/diverse/test

# suppose that the raw files are at ./raw_data, the results will be saved at ./cnndm/diverse/test
# please remember to put the source file and the target file on test set into the folder, e.g. ./cnndm/diverse/test.source

python preprocess.py --src_dir ./raw_data --tgt_dir ./cnndm/diverse --split test --cand_num 16 --dataset cnndm -l

How to Run

Hyper-parameter Setting

You may specify the hyper-parameters in main.py. We also provide the specific settings on CNNDM (NYT share the same setting) and XSum in config.py.


python main.py --cuda --gpuid [list of gpuid] --config [name of the config (cnndm/xsum)] -l 

The checkpoints and log will be saved in a subfolder of ./cache.

Example: training on CNNDM

python main.py --cuda --gpuid 0 1 2 3 --config cnndm -l 

Finetuning from an existing checkpoint

python main.py --cuda --gpuid [list of gpuid] -l --config [name of the config (cnndm/xsum)] --model_pt [model path]

model path should be a subdirectory in the ./cache directory, e.g. cnndm/model.pt (it shouldn't contain the prefix ./cache/).


For ROUGE calculation, we use the standard ROUGE Perl package from here in our paper. We lowercased and tokenized (using PTB Tokenizer) texts before calculating the ROUGE scores. Please note that the scores calculated by this package would be sightly different from the ROUGE scores calculated/reported during training/intermidiate stage of evalution, because we use a pure python-based ROUGE implementation to calculate those scores for better efficiency.

If you encounter problems when setting up the ROUGE Perl package (unfortunately it happens a lot :( ), you may consider using pure Python-based ROUGE package such as the one we used from the compare-mt package.

We provide the evaluation script in cal_rouge.py. If you are going to use Perl ROUGE package, please change line 13 into the path of your perl ROUGE package.


To evaluate the model performance, please first use the following command to generate the summaries.

python main.py --cuda --gpuid [single gpu] --config [name of the config (cnndm/xsum)] -e --model_pt [model path] -g [evaluate the model as a generator] -r [evaluate the model as a scorer/reranker]

model path should be a subdirectory in the ./cache directory, e.g. cnndm/model.pt (it shouldn't contain the prefix ./cache/). The output will be saved in a subfolder of ./result having the same name of the checkpoint folder.

Example: evaluating the model as a generator on CNNDM

# write the system-generated files to a file: ./result/cnndm/test.out
python main.py --cuda --gpuid 0 --config cnndm -e --model_pt cnndm/model_generation.bin -g

# tokenize the output file -> ./result/cnndm/test.out.tokenized (you may use other tokenizers)
export CLASSPATH=/your_path/stanford-corenlp-3.8.0.jar
cat ./result/cnndm/test.out | java edu.stanford.nlp.process.PTBTokenizer -ioFileList -preserveLines > ./result/cnndm/test.out.tokenized

# calculate the ROUGE scores using ROUGE Perl Package
python cal_rouge.py --ref ./cnndm/test.target.tokenized --hyp ./result/cnndm/test.out.tokenized -l

# calculate the ROUGE scores using ROUGE Python Implementation
python cal_rouge.py --ref ./cnndm/test.target.tokenized --hyp ./result/cnndm/test.out.tokenized -l -p

Example: evaluating the model as a scorer on CNNDM

# rerank the candidate summaries
python main.py --cuda --gpuid 0 --config cnndm -e --model_pt cnndm/model_ranking.bin -r

# calculate the ROUGE scores using ROUGE Perl Package
# ./result/cnndm/reference and ./result/cnndm/candidate are two folders containing files. Each one of those files contain one summary
python cal_rouge.py --ref ./result/cnndm/reference --hyp ./result/cnndm/candidate -l

# calculate the ROUGE scores using ROUGE Python Implementation
# ./result/cnndm/reference and ./result/cnndm/candidate are two folders containing files. Each one of those files contain one summary
python cal_rouge.py --ref ./result/cnndm/reference --hyp ./result/cnndm/candidate -l -p

Results, Outputs, Checkpoints

The following are ROUGE scores calcualted by the standard ROUGE Perl package.


BART 44.29 21.17 41.09
BRIO-Ctr 47.28 22.93 44.15
BRIO-Mul 47.78 23.55 44.57
BRIO-Mul (Cased) 48.01 23.76 44.63


Pegasus 47.46 24.69 39.53
BRIO-Ctr 48.13 25.13 39.84
BRIO-Mul 49.07 25.59 40.40


BART 55.78 36.61 52.60
BRIO-Ctr 55.98 36.54 52.51
BRIO-Mul 57.75 38.64 54.54

Our model outputs on these datasets can be found in ./output.

We summarize the outputs and model checkpoints below. You could load these checkpoints using model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path_to_checkpoint)).

Checkpoints Model Output Reference Output
CNNDM model_generation.bin
cnndm.test.ours.out cnndm.test.reference
CNNDM (Cased) model_generation.bin cnndm.test.ours.cased.out cnndm.test.cased.reference
XSum model_generation.bin
xsum.test.ours.out xsum.test.reference

Use BRIO with Huggingface

You can load our trained models for generation from Huggingface Transformers. Our model checkpoint on CNNDM (Yale-LILY/brio-cnndm-uncased, Yale-LILY/brio-cnndm-cased) is a standard BART model (i.e., BartForConditionalGeneration) while our model checkpoint on XSum (Yale-LILY/brio-xsum-cased) is a standard Pegasus model (i.e., PegasusForConditionalGeneration).

from transformers import BartTokenizer, PegasusTokenizer
from transformers import BartForConditionalGeneration, PegasusForConditionalGeneration

IS_CNNDM = True # whether to use CNNDM dataset or XSum dataset
LOWER = False
ARTICLE_TO_SUMMARIZE = "Manchester United superstar Cristiano Ronaldo scored his 806th career goal in Old Trafford,\
 breaking FIFA's all-time record for most goals in competitive matches in men's football history.\
 It was the second of three goals the Portuguese attacker scored during the game,\
 leading United to a 3-2 victory over Tottenham and finishing the day with 807 total career goals.\
 The previous FIFA goal record was held by Josef Bican, with 805 goals."

# Load our model checkpoints
    model = BartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained('Yale-LILY/brio-cnndm-uncased')
    tokenizer = BartTokenizer.from_pretrained('Yale-LILY/brio-cnndm-uncased')
    model = PegasusForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained('Yale-LILY/brio-xsum-cased')
    tokenizer = PegasusTokenizer.from_pretrained('Yale-LILY/brio-xsum-cased')

max_length = 1024 if IS_CNNDM else 512
# generation example
    article = ARTICLE_TO_SUMMARIZE.lower()
inputs = tokenizer([article], max_length=max_length, return_tensors="pt", truncation=True)
# Generate Summary
summary_ids = model.generate(inputs["input_ids"])
print(tokenizer.batch_decode(summary_ids, skip_special_tokens=True, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False)[0])

Notes: our checkpoints on Huggingface cannot be directly loaded to the pytorch model (BRIO) in our code because our pytorch model is a wrapper on BART/PEGASUS for better training efficiency. However, you can use it to initilize our pytorch model, e.g.,

model = BRIO('Yale-LILY/brio-cnndm-uncased', tok.pad_token_id, is_pegasus=False)