Primary LanguagePython

Direct Molecular Conformation Generation

This repository contains the code for Direct Molecular Conformation Generation (DMCG).

Requirements and Installation

Through Docker

We recommend building a Docker image with the Dockerfile.

After building and starting the docker, you can run

cd /workspace
git clone https://github.com/DirectMolecularConfGen/DMCG
pip install -e .

You may possibly need to run pip install setuptools==59.5.0 if you met problems with the setuptools module.

Through conda venv

If you want to develop it locally using conda venv, please refer to Line 27 to Line 36 in Dockerfile to build a virtual conda environment.


Small-scale GEOM-QM9 and GEOM-Drugs data

Download the qm9_processed.7z and drugs_processed.7z from this url

Large-scale GEOM-QM9 and GEOM-Drugs data

Download rdkit_folder.tar.gz from this url and untar this file by tar -xvf rdkit_folder.tar.gz

Training and inference

Reproduce small-scale GEOM-Drugs

The first time you run this code, you should specify the data path with --base-path, and the code will binarize data into binarized format.

# Training. We place the unzipped data folder in /workspace/drugs_processed
bash run_training.sh -c 0 --dropout 0.1 --use-bn --no-3drot \
    --aux-loss 0.2 --num-layers 6 --lr 2e-4 --batch-size 128 \
    --vae-beta-min 0.0001 --vae-beta-max 0.05 --reuse-prior \
    --node-attn --data-split confgf --pred-pos-residual --grad-norm 10 \
    --dataset-name drugs --remove-hs --shared-output \
    --ang-lam 0 --bond-lam 0 --base-path ${DATA}

# Inference. We recommend using checkpoint_94.pt

python evaluate.py --dropout 0.1 --use-bn --lr-warmup --use-adamw --train-subset \
    --num-layers 6 --eval-from $CKPT --workers 20 --batch-size 128 \
    --reuse-prior --node-attn --data-split confgf --dataset-name drugs --remove-hs \
    --shared-output --pred-pos-residual --sample-beta 1.2

Reproduce small-scale GEOM-QM9

# Training. We place the unzipped data folder in /workspace/qm9_processed
bash run_training.sh --dropout 0.1 --use-bn --no-3drot  \
    --aux-loss 0.2 --num-layers 6 --lr 2e-4 --batch-size 128 \
    --vae-beta-min 0.0001 --vae-beta-max 0.03 --reuse-prior \
    --node-attn --data-split confgf --pred-pos-residual \
    --dataset-name qm9 --remove-hs --shared-output  \
    --ang-lam 0.2 --bond-lam 0.1 --base-path $yourdatapath

# Inference. We recommend using checkpoint_94.pt
python evaluate.py --dropout 0.1 --use-bn --lr-warmup --use-adamw --train-subset \
    --num-layers 6 --eval-from $CKPT --workers 20 --batch-size 128 \
    --reuse-prior --node-attn --data-split confgf --dataset-name qm9 --remove-hs \
    --shared-output --pred-pos-residual --sample-beta 1.2

Checkpoints and logs

We have provided the pretrained checkpoints and the corresponding logs on GoogleDrive, and you can compare your configurations with our provided logs (specifically, the row started with "Namespace") to reproduce our results.