DG-KAG:Boosting Distractor Generation via Knowledge Triplet Augmentation

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

DG-KAG: Distractor Generation using Language Models with Knowledge Augmented Generation

This repo provides the source code & data of our paper : DG-KAG:Boosting Distractor Generation via Knowledge Triplet Augmentation.


0. Dependencies

Run the following commands to create a project environment (assuming CUDA10.1):

pip install torch==1.8.0+cu101 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
pip install transformers==3.4.0
pip install nltk spacy==2.1.6
python -m spacy download en

# for torch-geometric
pip install torch-scatter==2.0.7 -f https://pytorch-geometric.com/whl/torch-1.8.0+cu101.html
pip install torch-sparse==0.6.9 -f https://pytorch-geometric.com/whl/torch-1.8.0+cu101.html
pip install torch-geometric==1.7.0 -f https://pytorch-geometric.com/whl/torch-1.8.0+cu101.html

1. Download data

We use the distractor generation datasets (MCQ, Sciq) and the ConceptNet knowledge graph. Download all the raw data by

sh download_raw_data.sh

Preprocess the concept raw data by running

python preprocess_concept.py -p <num_processes>

The script will:

  • Setup ConceptNet (e.g., extract English relations from ConceptNet, merge the original 42 relation types into 17 types)

Preprocess the MCQ and Sciq data by running

python preprocess_mcq.py -p <num_processes>
python preprocess_sciq.py -p <num_processes>

The script will:

  • Identify all mentioned concepts in the questions and answers

Preprocess the MCQ and Sciq data by running

python retrieve_mcq_triplet.py 
python retrieve_sciq_triplet.py 
  • Extract relevant triplet for each q-a pair and candidate set

The resulting file structure will look like:

├── README.md
├── data/
    ├── cpnet/                 (prerocessed ConceptNet)
    ├── mcq/
        ├── train.json
        ├── valid.json
        ├── test.json
        ├── grounded/              (grounded entities)
        ├── candidate_set/         (candidate sets from candidate generator)
        └── triplets/              (extracted triplets from kg retriever)
    └── sciq/
├── modeling/                  (train model)
    ├── KAG                    (KAG model)
        ├── mcq/
            ├── t5/
            └── bart/
    └── Reranker               (Reranker model)
        ├── mcq/
        └── sciq/
├── saved_models/
├── predictions/
├── eval/                      (eval model predictions)
    ├── evaluate_mcq.py
    └── evaluate_sciq.py
└── tutorial_material/         (some tutorial stuff)

2. Train DG-KAG

For MCQ and Sciq, run juypter notebook in modeling folder

  1. Reranker : Model Training Juypter Notebook for KAG Component - Triplet Reranker

Using Triplet Reranker and KG Retrieval to Construct KAG

  1. KAG : Model Training Juypter Notebook for KAG

3. Evaluate trained model

For MCQ and Sciq, run eval python file in eval folder

python eval_mcq.py --data_dir <prediction_file_path>
python eval_sciq.py --data_dir <prediction_file_path>

Trained model examples


Trained model Test F1@3 Test NDCG@3
T5 Triplet Augmentation 16.47 30.99


Trained model Test F1@3 Test NDCG@3
T5 Triplet Augmentation(with only answer triplet) 16.50 32.39

Note: The models were trained and tested with HuggingFace transformers==3.4.0.


This repo is built upon the following work:

Scalable Multi-Hop Relational Reasoning for Knowledge-Aware Question Answering. Yanlin Feng*, Xinyue Chen*, Bill Yuchen Lin, Peifeng Wang, Jun Yan and Xiang Ren. EMNLP 2020.

QA-GNN: Question Answering using Language Models and Knowledge Graphs. Michihiro Yasunaga and Hongyu Ren and Antoine Bosselut and Percy Liang and Jure Leskovec. NAACL 2021.

Many thanks to the authors and developers!

以上是這篇論文程式碼介紹 如果對於這個 Repo 有疑問的地方 或是 想與我更進一步的討論 歡迎寄信至 boy19990222@gmail.com.tw
