
We start a company-name recognition task with a small scale and low quality training data, then using skills to enhanced model training speed and predicting performance with least artificial participation. The methods we use involve lite pre-training models such as Albert-small or Electra-small with financial corpus, knowledge of distillation and multi-stage learning. The result is that we improve the recall rate of company names recognition task from 0.73 to 0.92 and get 4 times as fast as BERT-Bilstm-CRF model.

Primary LanguagePython


url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.15871



  1. 模型结构采用:预训练模型+CRF

  2. 我们的测试环境为1个Tesla P4 显存8GB

  3. 使用Flask部署,以调用服务的形式测速,速度为 BERT-base+CRF:4600字/秒 Albert_small+CRF:21000字/秒 Electra_small+CRF:16000字/秒

  4. 为了增强训练效果,我们使用了金融新闻作为预训练数据,在开源发布的两个中文模型Albert_small和Electra_small基础之上进行预训练,训练后对下游任务的训练速度和效果都有提升(5个点召回率提升和8倍收敛速度提升)。

  5. 效果上,相比于BERT, Electra_small性能和速度较为均衡,Albert_small因为参数共享机制,拟合和泛化能力都显著减弱

6.关于数据标注和修复:1)我们使用YEDDA开源标注工具 2)开发了3种数据修复策略,包括分词边界修复,公司后缀修复和Foolnltk工具修复,见datafix.py

7.关于部署:使用flask部署,有4个版本可以调用:server_{model_name}.py 调用时使用统一接口,将文章列表传入即可




  1. 利用知识蒸馏:使用Electra_base+CRF训练的模型对162万篇文章进行标注,标注后数据用于Electra_small+CRF模型的训练,实体召回率从84提升至90(提升5至6个百分点)。


Training large deep neural networks needs massive high quality annotation data, but the time and labor costs are too expensive for small business. We start a company-name recognition task with a small scale and low quality training data, then using skills to enhanced model training speed and predicting performance with least artificial participation. The methods we use involve lite pre-training models such as Albert-small or Electra-small with financial corpus, knowledge of distillation and multi-stage learning. The result is that we improve the recall rate of company names recognition task from 0.73 to 0.92 and get 4 times as fast as BERT-Bilstm-CRF model.





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Model framework

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Prediction speed

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Muti-stage learning

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Pre-training on financial corpus

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