THIS IS NOT UP TO DATE - Refer to README on Beluga Server



files and tables (not all of these are uploaded but all are needed to run analysis)

samples_flag.txt - samples to flag (extracted from samples_flag_or_exclude.txt) samples_excldue.txt - sampels to exclude (extracted from samples_flag_or_exclude.txt) participants_cffwgs.tsv - participant phenotype data (note: not uploaded yet, need to make directory private first) samples_flag_or_exclude.txt - a list of samples to flag or exclude (note:not uploaded yet) CFF_sid_onlyGT.gds - gds file with sid as sample IDs keep_samples.rds - a vector of sample IDs to include in PC/GRM creation and association testing keep_var_stringent.rds - vector of variant IDs to include in LD-pruning, PC/GRM creation, and association testing... based on stringent QC and pruning criteria (see below) pc_grm_output.txt - manually saved command line output from generating PCs and GRMs keep_sample_noTwins.rds - a vector of sample IDs to include in association testing


flag_exclude_in_particiapnts.R - annotate participants phenotype data based on sampels to flag or excldue Generate_sample_filter.R - script to create a vector of sample IDs to include in PC/GRM creation and assoc. testing Generate_variant_filter.R - script to create a vector of variant IDs to include in LD-pruning, PC/GRM creation, and association testing ld_pruning.R - generate a vector of SNPs pruned by LD to include in PC and GRM creation pcs_and_grm.R - generate PCs and GRM through 2 iteratons of PCair and PCrelate (and plot first 3 PCs and kinship) PC_andGRM_plots.R - plots PCs w/ more features, simple plot of percent variance explained and relatedness plot. Takes PC-AiR and PC-Relate .rds objects Generate_annotated_phenotype_df.R - Add PCs to phenotype data and produce an annotated dataframe to be used in pca_plots.R and assoc_test.R pca_plots.R - plots a scree plot (percent variance explained), cord plot, and pairwise PC comparisons to further anylize PCs Exclude_identical_twin_from_samples.R - Create a new sample filter that excludes idenitcal twins to be used in assoc_test.R assoc_test.R


  1. Convert gds_ids (currently match VCF_ids from participants file) to sids from based on sample_names_key.txt (taken from SampleDropandFlag.tsv)
  2. Save gds IDs as a vector


  1. Trims participants pheotype file to excldue anyone not in gds
  2. Add columns: include_in_analysis: marks indiviuals "exclude" based on SampleDropandFlag file. (note: flag and exclude lsits were extracted manually from the info in sample_flag.txt site: based on VCF_ID (likely to have some errors due to duplicate samples) F508_count: based on CFTR genotype column race_or_ethnicity: extracted based on binary race and ethnicity measures (note: hispanic white people are labeled hispanic and Native American white people are labeled Native American. Anyone else with mutliple races or ethnicities is labeled admixed_or_other


Check that varaint filter variant IDs match teh GDS variant IDs by chromosome and position and generate variant filters for LD-pruning and association-testing steps


This will create a dataframe of all of chr7 to exclude from pruned SNP list for PC and GRM generation


runs ld_pruning.R with the following arguments: R -q --vanilla --args CFF_sid_onlyGT.gds --sample_id keep_samples.rds --variant_id pre_LD_SNP_filter.rds --maf 0.05 --missing 0.05 --window_size 1 --autosome_only TRUE < ld_pruning.R > 6_26ld_pruning.log &

generate a vector of SNPs pruned by LD to include in PC and GRM creation

Takes Arguments:

  1. req: gds_file: .gds file (with a chracter vector of sid as sample IDs)
  2. opt: out_file (default="pruned_snps.rds")
  3. opt: sample_id: a character vector of samples to keep (must match corresponding smaple IDs in phenotype and gds files) - saved as an R object
  4. opt: variant_id: a vector of variants to keep (must match corresponding rownames in phenotype and gds) - saved as an R object
  5. opt: maf: minimum MAF for variants to include (default=0.05)
  6. opt: missing: maximum missing call rate for variants to include, (default=0.05)
  7. opt: threshold: threshold for LD-pruning (given as the correlation value which should be the square route of R^2) - variants above the threshold (ie. in greater LD, are pruned) (default=sqrt(0.1))
  8. opt: window_size (default = 1) (slide.max.bp = argv$window_size * 1e6)

Rscript combine_chr_LD_files.R


R -q --vanilla --args CFF_sid_onlyGT.gds --out_prefix 6_26 --variant_id 6_26_prunedSNPs.rds --sample_id keep_samples.rds --autosome_only TRUE < king_grm.R > 6_26king_grm.log &

kinship plots.R

Rscript plot_kinship.R 6_26king_out.rds --is_king --out_prefix 6_26_king


#To determine a kin_thresh: library(GENESIS) library(SeqArray gds <- seqOpen("CFF_sid_onlyGT.gds") kingMat <- readRDS("6_25king_grm.rds") pc_part <- pcairPartition(gds, kinobj = kingMat, kin.thresh = 2^(-4.5), div.thresh = -2^(-4.5), divobj = kingMat) str(pc_part)

R -q --vanilla --args CFF_sid_onlyGT.gds 6_26king_grm.rds 6_26king_grm.rds --out_prefix 6_26_1it --variant_id 6_26_prunedSNPs.rds --sample_id keep_samples.rds --kin_thresh 0.044194 --div_thresh -0.044194 < pcair.R > 6_26_1itpc_air.log &

#0.044194 = 2^(-9/2) #0.0625 = 2^(-4) #0.125 = 2^(-3)

#Fast way to determine how many PCs to include (note: should also look at PC correlation plots):
pca <- readRDS("6_26_1itpcair.rds")


R -q --vanilla --args CFF_sid_onlyGT.gds 6_26_1itpcair.rds --out_prefix 6_26_1it --n_pcs 4 --variant_id 6_26_prunedSNPs.rds --sample_id keep_samples.rds --scale_kin 1 --small_samp_correct --variant_block 100000 < pcrelate.R > 6_26_1itpcrelate.log &

kinship plots.R

Rscript plot_kinship.R 6_26_1itpcrelate.rds --out_prefix 6_26_1it_PC-rel


R -q --vanilla --args CFF_sid_onlyGT.gds 6_26_1itpcr_mat.rds 6_26king_grm.rds --out_prefix 6_26 --variant_id 6_26_prunedSNPs.rds --sample_id keep_samples.rds --kin_thresh 0.044194 --div_thresh -0.044194 < pcair.R > 6_26pc_air.log &

#0.044194 = 2^(-9/2)


R -q --vanilla --args CFF_sid_onlyGT.gds 6_26pcair.rds --out_prefix 6_26 --n_pcs 4 --variant_id 6_26_prunedSNPs.rds --sample_id keep_samples.rds --scale_kin 1 --small_samp_correct --variant_block 100000 < pcrelate.R > 6_26pcrelate.log &

kinship plots.R

Rscript plot_kinship.R 6_26pcrelate.rds --out_prefix 6_26_PC-rel &

Arguments for PC-Relate and PC-Air (needs updating):

  1. req: gds_file: .gds file (with a chracter vector of sid as sample IDs)
  2. opt : out_prefix
  3. opt: variant_id: a vector of variants to keep (must match corresponding rownames in phenotype and gds) - use pruned_snps.rds from LD pruning step - saved as an R object
  4. opt: sample_id: a character vector of samples to keep (must match corresponding smaple IDs in phenotype and gds files) - saved as an R object2. LD-pruning R object (a list of variants to incldue)
  5. opt: kin_thresh: Kinship threshold for pcair (2 ^ -kin_thresh) (default = 5.5)
  6. opt: div_thresh: threshold for deciding if pairs are ancestrally divergent (-2 ^ -kin_thresh) (default = 5.5)
  7. opt: n_pcs: number of PCs to pass to PC-Relate (default = 3)
  8. opt: text to uniquely identify plots and figures
  9. opt: keep_king: if passed TRUE, will also save the GRM from KING robust


-Needs to be fixed to run efficiently- To color kinship plot based on ancestry, study, etc. Arguments:

  1. phenotype data frame as .rds object
  2. a character vector of samples to keep (as a .rds object)
  3. kinship object (not matrix) from King (as a .rds object)
  4. The type of relatedness object: either "King" or "PC_Relate"

R -q --vanilla --args phenotype.rds keep_samples.rds higherLDking_obj.rds King < add_phenotype_identifiers_to_kinship_obj.R & > record.txt

*This takes hours to run, so include &


Add PCs to phenotype data and produce an annotated dataframe to be used in pca_plots.R and assoc_test.R


Plots a scree plot (percent variance explained), cord plot, and pairwise PC comparisons to further anylize PCs. and phenotype file as an annotated data frame. Takes PC-AiR and PC-Relate .rds objects and phenotype file as an annotated data frame

Rscript pca_plots.R 6_26pcair.rds --out_prefix 6_26 --phenotype_file annot.rds --group race_or_ethnicity


Create a new sample filter that excludes idenitcal twins to be used in assoc_test.R


R -q --vanilla --args annot.rds 6_26pcr_mat.rds F508_count poisson --out_prefix "F508del" --covars "PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 site" --sample_id keep_samples_noTwins.rds < generate_null_model.R > null_model_F508del.log &

R -q --vanilla --args annot.rds 6_26pcr_mat.rds F508_count poisson --out_prefix "F508del_noPCs" --covars "site" --sample_id keep_samples_noTwins.rds < generate_null_model.R > null_model_F508del_noPCs.log &

R -q --vanilla --args annot.rds 6_26pcr_mat.rds sex_registry binomial --out_prefix "sex" --covars "PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 site" --sample_id keep_samples_noTwins.rds < generate_null_model.R > null_model_sex.log &

R -q --vanilla --args annot.rds 6_26pcr_mat.rds sex_registry binomial --out_prefix "sex_noPCs" --covars "site" --sample_id keep_samples_noTwins.rds < generate_null_model.R > null_model_sex_noPCs.log &



Runs assoc_test.R with the following arguments: CFF_sid_onlyGT.gds annot.rds 6_18pcr_mat.rds F508_count gaussian --out_prefix "$f" --covars "PC1 PC2 PC3" --variant_id var_filter_SNVs_MAF0.05.rds --sample_id keep_samples.rds --chromosome "$f" < assoc_test2.R &

  1. req: gds_file: .gds file (with a chracter vector of sid as sample IDs)
  2. req: phenotype file (as an annotated dataframe R object)
  3. req: outcome
  4. req: faily (either binomial, gaussian (continuous), or poisson (discrete numeric))
  5. opt: out_prefix (to parallelize, this should be the chrosomome name)
  6. opt: covariates (as a string, each covariate should be seperated by a space)
  7. opt: variant_id: a vector of variants to keep (must match corresponding rownames in phenotype and gds) - use pruned_snps.rds from LD pruning step - saved as an R object
  8. opt: sample_id: a character vector of samples to keep (must match corresponding smaple IDs in phenotype and gds files) - saved as an R object2. LD-pruning R object (a list of variants to incldue)
  9. opt: chromosome to fitler by


recombines association test files into one file (assoc.rds) - chromosomes will be in numerical order Takes as an argument:

  1. prefix for input and output (input files should be in the form: "prefix"chr1assoc.rds)

Rscript combine_chr_assoc_files.R F508del &

Rscript combine_chr_assoc_files.R sex &

Rscript combine_chr_assoc_files.R F508del_noPCs &

Rscript combine_chr_assoc_files.R sex_noPCs &


R -q --vanilla --args F508delassoc.rds --out_prefix 6_26F508del --qq_ylim 10 --Man_ylim 6 < assoc_plots.R &

R -q --vanilla --args sexassoc.rds --out_prefix 6_26sex --qq_ylim 10 --Man_ylim 6 < assoc_plots.R &

R -q --vanilla --args F508del_noPCsassoc.rds --out_prefix 6_26F508del_noPCs --qq_ylim 10 --Man_ylim 6 < assoc_plots.R &

R -q --vanilla --args F508del_noPCsassoc.rds --out_prefix 6_26F508del_noPCs_higher_y_lim --qq_ylim 10 --Man_ylim 9 < assoc_plots.R &

R -q --vanilla --args sex_noPCsassoc.rds --out_prefix 6_26sex_noPCs --qq_ylim 10 --Man_ylim 6 < assoc_plots.R &