
An easy-to-use browser applause button

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An easy-to-use browser applause button. DEMO: http://www.hanlindong.com


In personal websites, the site owners what to have a insight of the readers' interests. Sometimes, a 'thumbup & thumbdown' button is added to the website. However, these buttons can only be clicked once. To obtain a basic way to let readers express to what extent do they love this website or article, infinite times of a 'thumbup-like' button should be created. Therefore, the applause-easy button is provided for this purpose.


  • It creates a button with the sum number of applause given in the past;
  • Readers can click the button infinite times;
  • on every certain times click, a user-defined function is triggered;
  • Inspired by an outstanding project Valine;
  • Users should deploy it manually to LeanCloud; It's easy, and free.

Change log

Current version: V2.0


  • Remove animate.css. Use original css file instead.
  • Reset the logic of number grow.


  • Initial release.


First, download the files applause-easy.js & av.min.js, add script tag to your webpage.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="applause-easy.css">
  <div id="applause-key"></div>
<script src="av.min.js"></script>
<script src="applause-easy.js"></script>
  new ApplauseEasy({
    id: 'applause-easy',
    appId: 'your-own-app-ID',
    appKey: 'your-own-app-Key',
    img_src: 'url-for-your-clap-img',
    img_width: '50px',
    img_height: '50px',
    trigger_every: 10,
    trigger_fun: function() {
        alert("Function is triggered.");

To get the appID and appKey, you have to log in LeanCloud, and create an app.

If you are a Valine comment module user, you can use the same app with Valine.

In your app, please create a new Class named 'Applause'. Allow anyone to read and write. Otherwise, this widget will not work. Please add a site url whitelist in order to improve security.

A clap image is provided in this repository, you should download it and link to it with img_src. You can use any image with url as you wish. A square image is recommended.

Now, everything is done. Enjoy!