
Hackathon project built on lack of sleep and a drive to help people understand their surroundings.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

O.D.I.N (Ocular Direction Instead of Noise)

Winner of Best AR/VR Hack, and 3rd place overall @ HackUMass 7

The MATRIX Creator is a hatter for the raspberry pi featureing 11 different types of sensors including an array of 8 microphones.

ODIN Web Demo Gif

ODAS (Open embeddeD Audition System) performs sound source localization, tracking, separation and post-filtering.

To run ODIN Web, first do cd OdinWeb, then run npm install to install required dependencies When you are ready and the device is ready to send over data, run npm start and the Electron application should build.

ODIN Web Demo Gif

IBM MAX Audio Classifier is used to classify sound bites. The model supports 527 different classes, and was trained on the Google AudioSet.

Python Example:

  url = "http://max-audio-classifier.max.us-south.containers.appdomain.cloud/model/predict?start_time=0"
  response = requests.post(url, files={"audio": open("audio_file.wav", "rb")})

API respondse:

    "status": "ok",
    "predictions": [
            "label_id": "/m/06mb1",
            "label": "Rain",
            "probability": 0.7376469373703003
            "label_id": "/m/0ngt1",
            "label": "Thunder",
            "probability": 0.60517817735672
            "label_id": "/t/dd00038",
            "label": "Rain on surface",
            "probability": 0.5905200839042664

Augmented Relaity Directional Display

Using microphone wavelet data from the MATRIX Creator, and ARCore, The Augmented Reality Directional Display is able to allow users to view exactly which direction their sound is coming from.

Why Odin?

Odin is the Norse God in Greek Mythology with the "All Seeing Eye". We drew inspiration from Odin by giving our users an 'all seeing eye' by enhancing their vision with audio information through AR technology.

Odin, the man Himself