EquiBind: geometric deep learning for fast predictions of the 3D structure in which a small molecule binds to a protein
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Question regarding how to extract protein representation from your pretrain model
#74 opened by Tizzzzy - 0
It takes forever to load checkpoint
#73 opened by hnguyentt - 1
Keep getting the OSError
#62 opened by Nailo - 0
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pyaml syntax error
#71 opened by BlackWyvernX - 1
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Why use openbabel in data preprocessing
#70 opened by tangmaomao16 - 2
dgl.copy_edge deprecated
#69 opened by benjileibo - 0
packages missing
#68 opened by benjileibo - 1
About the Training Efficiency
#65 opened by youqingxiaozhua - 1
about dgllife version and usage
#64 opened by lichman0405 - 1
Missing psutil dependency
#58 opened by GrayWasTaken - 1
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CUDA error
#47 opened by mrinal-shekhar - 4
Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled
#46 opened by struggle007 - 3
Questions about RDKit conformer generation, fast point cloud conformer fitting, and EquiBind-R meaning.
#44 opened by yufengwhy - 2
How to continue a training from the checkpoint
#63 opened by Nailo - 1
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Hey, I'm trying to retrain the equibind model but I think I keep getting oom when processing the dataset, specifically in the "Get receptors, filter chains, and get its coordinates" step. I'm hoping you can tell me how much memory is required for this step and if there's a way around it. I'm training on the PDBBind dataset you have provided.
#60 opened by RishalAggarwal - 0
Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled
#59 opened by taliaora - 1
EquiBind result analysis
#51 opened by PhungVanDuy - 1
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psutils error
#50 opened by monabiyan - 1
Multiple GPUs
#45 opened by Harry4FunResearch - 1
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About hydrogen removement
#56 opened by KruskalLin - 3
Bad Clashes
#41 opened by jadolfbr - 6
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Questions about SE(3)-equivariant
#40 opened by Surviveagainsttheodds - 2
Questions about reproducing
#42 opened by lijiashan2020 - 6
Scale off for results
#36 opened by jadolfbr - 3
invalid value in pickle
#39 opened by yufengwhy - 2
Can't kekulize mol. Unkekulized atoms
#31 opened by Harry4FunResearch - 3
Can't Kekulize mol
#35 opened by jadolfbr - 2
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Hydrogens on receptors
#33 opened by amfaber - 1
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Memory requirements for training?
#29 opened by neild0 - 3
142 instead 144 new receptors.
#25 opened by luwei0917 - 1
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Measure of inference quality
#24 opened by hmms117 - 6
FileNotFoundError: train_arguments.yaml
#23 opened by Tonylac77 - 1
Does EquiBind supports given binding site?
#22 opened by jooewood - 2
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list in process_mols.py line 692, in get_geometry_graph
#21 opened by moritzschaefer - 6
Error when run get_receptor_inference
#20 opened by SejeongPark8354 - 1
[Question] Graph representations
#19 opened by rhjohnstone