
2D multiplayer dogfighting game, written in Rust

Primary LanguageRustGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Fly the plen blyat

A multiplayer shoot at each other with planes game


Usage instructions

The game client is very slow in debug mode, so it should be run in release mode

  • Start a server using cargo run --bin server
  • Start the client using cargo run --bin client --release
    • The default is to connect to localhost:4444
    • Specify another IP using the environment variableSERVER=<url>:<port>

Compiling under Windows

SDL2 needs to be added to be able to compile Plen under Windows. You can follow this tutorial (or possibly one of the others listed below it, not tested it myself but should work).

You also need to install SDL2_image, SDL2_mixer and SDL2_ttf which can be found here:

Download both zip files under "Development Libraries", SDL2_xxxxx-devel-2.x.x-VC.zip and SDL2_xxxxx-devel-2.x.x-mingw.tar.gz.

Extract them both according to the same instructions as noted in the SDL2 tutorial.

Plen should now compile and you should be able to run the game under Windows.


Flame animation by serenajeanne used under CC-BY-SA 3.0 opengameart