
Coding man

Hannes Hedberg 💻

This respitory contains all Python programming we have been taught during the Python Programming course at ITHS

Lectures 📓

Code Alongs Description
Lecutre 0 Input and Output
Lecture 1 If Statement
Lecture 2 TBA
[Lecture 3][L3] TBA
Lecture 4 TBA

Coding man

Labs 🔦

Laborations Description
Lab 1 Setting up Github
Lab 2 TBA
[Lab 3][lab3] TBA
Lab 4 TBA
[Lab 5][lab5] TBA

Exerices 💪

Exercies Description
Exercise 1 Setting up Github
Exercise 2 TBA
[Exercise 3][Ex3] TBA
Exercise 4 TBA
[Exercise 5][Ex5] TBA

Coding man

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