Programmering med Python (AI22)

This is a fundamental Python course with focus of learning important programming concepts in order to solve various problems by writing Python programs. All materials including lecture notes, code-along, exercises and resource links can be found in the course Github repo.


For detailed schedule click here

Week Content
35 installation, git, pipenv, variables, I/O, if, while, for, lab 1
36 lists, random, matplotlib, strings, functions, lab 2
37 exception handling, file handling, dictionary, lab 2
38 numpy, lab 2
39 OOP: class, object, attributes, properties, docstring, polymorphism, lab 3
40 OOP: inheritance, UML, unit testing, modules, lab 3
41 lab3, repetition
42 repeition, written exam


Many exercises and lecture materials are in form of Jupyter notebooks with .ipynb extensions. Sometimes GitHub may not load them correctly for preview, then you can use Open in Colab, which is an addon in Chrome to open the notebook in Colab. Alternatively, you can go to jupyter nbviewer, and paste the link to the notebook for previewing. When working with exercises it is important that you create your own notebooks (.ipynb) or script files (.py).

When installing softwares, unless anything else is stated in the resources, just click next.

Check resources

When you have finished the exercises in this repo, you can work in Project Euler