This is the 5th and the Capstone project from the Udacity Web Developer Nanodegree program.
City trips and vacations can be planned with the Travel App. After entering the location and the arrival and departure date, current data on the weather, how many days are left until the trip are displayed and a nice picture of your destination. This project was built without using modern frontend frameworks, just vanilla JavaScript. Nevertheless, modern tools were used such as Webpack, Node.js and Express to initialize my own backend. Using three APIs, the weather data, the location and an image of the specified location were fetched and displayed in the UI.
- JavaScript
- Jest
- Node
- Express
- Webpack
- geoname API
- weatherbit API
- pixabay API
- Workbox
Check if node and npm are installed.
npm -v
node -v
Move to the project folder
cd <yourprojectFolder>
Clone the repo
git clone <reponame>
Install with npm
npm install
Install loaders and plugins
Choose the installation for your development mode
npm i -D @babel/core @babel/preset-env babel-loader
npm i -D style-loader node-sass css-loader sass-loader
npm i -D clean-webpack-plugin
npm i -D html-webpack-plugin
npm i -D mini-css-extract-plugin
npm i -D optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin terser-webpack-plugin
Go to the geoname API, weatherbit API and pixabay API and get your personal API Key.
Configurate your environment files and using dotenv
npm install dotenv
Create a .env
file and don't forget to add them to the .gitignore
Fill the .env
file with your API KEY for example:
now you can build the project with
npm run build-dev
or npm run build-prod
after that you can start it
npm start
Open your browser at http://localhost:8080