Drivers for the accelerometer ADXL345 for both I2C and SPI using the STM32 HAL.

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ADXL345 STM32 I2C and SPI Drivers

Drivers for the accelerometer ADXL345 for both I2C and SPI using the STM32 HAL.

Understanding the ADXL345

Most pre-made ADXL345 breakout boards follow the same pattern.

Pin Function I2C SPI
GND Ground
VCC Power Supply 3-6V
CS Chip Select for SPI interface For I2C it needs to be pulled low* CS***
INT1 Interrupt 1
INT2 Interrupt 2
SDO Serial Data Output SPI/ALT ADD If pulled HIGH -> I2C Addr 0x1D** MISO
SDA Serial Data for I2C interface SDA MOSI
SCL Serial Clock for I2C interface SCL SCLK

*By default most ADXL345 breakouts CS is already pulled low. This pin is negated.

**By default most ADXL345 breakout boards SDO is pulled low so its I2C adress is (0x53 << 1)

*** I couldn't get NSS STM32 pin to work, so I used a GPIOA Pin 4 pin to Chip Select the communications.

I2C Driver

In the STMCube IDE initialize a I2C port with 100.000 KHz rate and wire the ADXL345.

MX_I2C2_Init();                           // In my case I'm initializing I2C port 2
ADXL345 adxl345;                          // Create an ADXL345 struct which will hold the internal variables
ADXL345_initialization(&hi2c2, &adxl345);  // Check that the ADXL345 has started correctly
    ADXL345_get_acc_norm(&adxl345);         // Function to update the accelerometer values
    ADXL345_print_norm(&adxl345, &huart3);  // Print the values through the UART port


In the STMCube IDE initialize a SPI port with a speed lower thatn 5 MBit/s and wire the ADXL345.

MX_SPI1_Init();                           // In my case I'm initializing SPI port 1
ADXL345 adxl345;                          // Create an ADXL345 struct which will hold the internal variables
ADXL345_initialization(&hspi1, &adxl345);  // Check that the ADXL345 has started correctly
    ADXL345_get_acc_norm(&adxl345);         // Function to update the accelerometer values
    ADXL345_print_norm(&adxl345, &huart3);  // Print the values through the UART port



The ADXL345 is connected to a STM32F412ZG board via I2C and it outputs its data through an UART port and controls the brightness of 3 LEDS according to its XYZ axis inclination.