
🔏 Create Keycloak themes using React

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🔏 Create Keycloak themes using React 🔏

Ultimately this build tool generates a Keycloak theme


Keycloak provides theme support for web pages. This allows customizing the look and feel of end-user facing pages so they can be integrated with your applications. It involves, however, a lot of raw JS/CSS/FTL hacking, and bundling the theme is not exactly straightforward.

Beyond that, if you use Keycloak for a specific app you want your login page to be tightly integrated with it. Ideally, you don't want the user to notice when he is being redirected away.

Trying to reproduce the look and feel of a specific app in another stack is not an easy task not to mention the cheer amount of maintenance that it involves.

Without keycloakify, users suffers from a harsh context switch, no fronted form pre-validation

Wouldn't it be great if we could just design the login and register pages as if they were part of our app?
Here is keycloakify for you 🍸

With keycloakify:

TL;DR: Here is a Hello World React project with Keycloakify set up.

If you already have a Keycloak custom theme, it can be easily ported to Keycloakify.


On Windows OS you'll have to use WSL. More info here

Tested with the following Keycloak versions:

This tool will be maintained to stay compatible with Keycloak v11 and up, however, the default pages you will get (before you customize it) will always be the ones of Keycloak v11.

This tool assumes you are bundling your app with Webpack (tested with the versions that ships with CRA v4.44.2 and v5.0.0) . It assumes there is a build/ directory at the root of your react project directory containing a index.html file and a build/static/ directory generated by webpack. For more information see this issue

All this is defaults with create-react-app (tested with 4.0.3)

  • mvn (Maven), rm, mkdir, curl, unzip are assumed to be available.
  • docker must be up and running when running start_keycloak_testing_container.sh (Instructions provided after running yarn keycloak).

My framework doesn’t seem to be supported, what can I do?

Currently Keycloakify is only compatible with create-react-app apps. It doesn’t mean that you can't use Keycloakify if you are using Next.js, Express or any other framework that involves SSR but your Keycloak theme will need to be a standalone project.
Find specific instructions about how to get started here.

To share your styles between your main app and your login pages you will need to externalize your design system by making it a separate module. Checkout ts_ci, it can help with that.

How to use

Setting up the build tool

yarn add keycloakify @emotion/react


"scripts": {
    "keycloak": "yarn build && build-keycloak-theme",
yarn keycloak # generates keycloak-theme.jar

On the console will be printed all the instructions about how to load the generated theme in Keycloak

Changing just the look of the default Keycloak theme

The first approach is to only customize the style of the default Keycloak login by providing your own class names.

If you have created a new React project specifically to create a Keycloak theme and nothing else then your index should look something like:


import { App } from "./<wherever>/App";
import { KcApp, defaultKcProps, getKcContext } from "keycloakify";
import { css } from "tss-react/@emotion/css";

const { kcContext } = getKcContext();

const myClassName = css({ "color": "red" });

            "kcHeaderWrapperClass": myClassName,

If you share a unique project for your app and the Keycloak theme, your index should look more like this:


import { App } from "./<wherever>/App";
import { KcApp, defaultKcProps, getKcContext } from "keycloakify";
import { css } from "tss-react/@emotion/css";

const { kcContext } = getKcContext();

const myClassName = css({ "color": "red" });

    // Unless the app is currently being served by Keycloak
    // kcContext is undefined.
    kcContext !== undefined ? (
                "kcHeaderWrapperClass": myClassName,
    ) : (
        <App />
    ), // Your actual app


Example of a customization using only CSS: here (the index.tsx ) and the result you can expect:

Customization using only CSS:

Advanced pages configuration

If you want to go beyond only customizing the CSS you can re-implement some of the pages or even add new ones.

If you want to go this way checkout the demo setup provided here. If you prefer a real life example you can checkout onyxia-web's source. The web app is in production here.

Main takeaways are:

  • You must declare your custom pages in the package.json. example
  • (TS only) You must declare theses page in the type argument of the getter function for the kcContext in order to have the correct typings. example
  • (TS only) If you use Keycloak plugins that defines non standard .ftl values (Like for example this plugin that define authorizedMailDomains in register.ftl) you should declare theses value to get the type. example
  • You should provide sample data for all the non standard value if you want to be able to debug the page outside of keycloak. example

WARNING: If you chose to go this way use:

"dependencies": {
    "keycloakify": "~X.Y.Z"

Hot reload

Rebuild the theme each time you make a change to see the result is not practical. If you want to test your login screens outside of Keycloak you can mock a given kcContext:

import {
} from "keycloakify";

const { kcContext } = getKcContext({
    "mockPageId": "login.ftl"


Then yarn start, you will see your login page.

Checkout this concrete example

Enable loading in a blink of an eye of login pages ⚡ (--external-assets)

By default the theme generated is standalone. Meaning that when your users reach the login pages all scripts, images and stylesheet are downloaded from the Keycloak server.
If you are specifically building a theme to integrate with an app or a website that allows users to first browse unauthenticated before logging in, you will get a significant performance boost if you jump through those hoops:

  • Provide the url of your app in the homepage field of package.json. ex or in a public/CNAME file. ex.
  • Build the theme using npx build-keycloak-theme --external-assets ex
  • Enable long-term assets caching on the server hosting your app.
  • Make sure not to build your app and the keycloak theme separately and remember to update the Keycloak theme every time you update your app.
  • Be mindful that if your app is down your login pages are down as well.

Checkout a complete setup here

User profile and frontend form validation

NOTE: In reality the regexp used in this gif doesn't work server side, the regexp pattern should be ^[^@]@gmail\.com$ 😬.

User Profile is a Keycloak feature that enables to define, from the admin console, what information you want to collect on your users in the register page and to validate inputs on the frontend, in realtime!

NOTE: User profile is only available in Keycloak 15 and it's a beta feature that needs to be enabled when launching keycloak and enabled in the console.

Keycloakify, in register-user-profile.ftl, provides frontend validation out of the box.

For implementing your own register-user-profile.ftl page, you can use import { useFormValidationSlice } from "keycloakify";.
Find usage example here.

As for right now it's not possible to define a pattern for the password from the admin console. You can however pass validators for it to the useFormValidationSlice function.

Support for Terms and conditions

Many organizations have a requirement that when a new user logs in for the first time, they need to agree to the terms and conditions of the website..

First you need to enable the required action on the Keycloak server admin console:

Then to load your own therms of services using like this.

Some pages still have the default theme. Why?

This project only support out of the box the most common user facing pages of Keycloak login.
Here is the complete list of pages (you get them after running yarn test) and here are the pages currently implemented by this module.
If you need to customize pages that are not supported yet or if you need to implement some non standard .ftl pages please refer to Advanced pages configuration.

GitHub Actions


Here is a demo repo to show how to automate the building and publishing of the theme (the .jar file).


process.env.PUBLIC_URL not supported.

You won't be able to import things from your public directory in your JavaScript code. (This isn't recommended anyway).

@font-face importing fonts from the src/ dir

If you are building the theme with --external-assets this limitation doesn't apply, you can import fonts however you see fit.

Example of setup that won't work

Possible workarounds

  • Use --external-assets.
  • If it is possible, use Google Fonts or any other font provider.
  • If you want to host your font recommended approach is to move your fonts into the public directory and to place your @font-face statements in the public/index.html.
    Example here (and the font are here).
  • You can also use non relative url but don't forget Access-Control-Allow-Origin.

Implement context persistence (optional)

If, before logging in, a user has selected a specific language you don't want it to be reset to default when the user gets redirected to the login or register pages.

Same goes for the dark mode, you don't want, if the user had it enabled to show the login page with light themes.

The problem is that you are probably using localStorage to persist theses values across reload but, as the Keycloak pages are not served on the same domain that the rest of your app you won't be able to carry over states using localStorage.

The only reliable solution is to inject parameters into the URL before redirecting to Keycloak. We integrate with keycloak-js, by providing you a way to tell keycloak-js that you would like to inject some search parameters before redirecting.

The method also works with @react-keycloak/web (use the initOptions).

You can implement your own mechanism to pass the states in the URL and restore it on the other side but we recommend using powerhooks/useGlobalState from the library powerhooks that provide an elegant way to handle states such as isDarkModeEnabled or selectedLanguage.

Let's modify the example from the official keycloak-js documentation to enables the states of useGlobalStates to be injected in the URL before redirecting.
Note that the states are automatically restored on the other side by powerhooks

import keycloak_js from "keycloak-js";
import { injectGlobalStatesInSearchParams } from "powerhooks/useGlobalState";
import { createKeycloakAdapter } from "keycloakify";


const keycloakInstance = keycloak_js({
    "url": "http://keycloak-server/auth",
    "realm": "myrealm",
    "clientId": "myapp",

    "onLoad": "check-sso",
    "silentCheckSsoRedirectUri": window.location.origin + "/silent-check-sso.html",
    "adapter": createKeycloakAdapter({
        "transformUrlBeforeRedirect": injectGlobalStatesInSearchParams,


If you really want to go the extra miles and avoid having the white flash of the blank html before the js bundle have been evaluated here is a snippet that you can place in your public/index.html if you are using powerhooks/useGlobalState.

Kickstart video

NOTE: keycloak-react-theming was renamed keycloakify since this video was recorded kickstart_video

FTL errors related to ftl_object_to_js_code_declaring_an_object in Keycloak logs.

If you ever encounter one of these errors:

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
        - Failed at: #local value = object[key]  [in template "login.ftl" in macro "ftl_object_to_js_code_declaring_an_object" at line 70, column 21]
        - Reached through: @compress  [in template "login.ftl" in macro "ftl_object_to_js_code_declaring_an_object" at line 36, column 5]
        - Reached through: @ftl_object_to_js_code_declaring_an_object object=value depth=(dep...  [in template "login.ftl" in macro "ftl_object_to_js_code_declaring_an_object" at line 81, column 27]
        - Reached through: @compress  [in template "login.ftl" in macro "ftl_object_to_js_code_declaring_an_object" at line 36, column 5]
        - Reached through: @ftl_object_to_js_code_declaring_an_object object=(.data_model) de...  [in template "login.ftl" at line 163, column 43]

It's just noise, they can be safely ignored.
You can, however, and are encouraged to, report any that you would spot.
Just open an issue about it and I will release a patched version of Keycloakify in the better delays.

Adding custom message (to i18n/useKcMessage.tsx)

You can reproduce this approach ( don't forget to evaluate the code ).
This approach is a bit hacky as it doesn't provide type safety but it works.

Email domain whitelist

NOTE: This have been kind of deprecated by user attribute you could use a pattern like this one to whitelist email domains.

If you want to restrict the emails domain that can register, you can use this plugin and kcRegisterContext["authorizedMailDomains"] to validate on.

Changelog highlights


tss-react and powerhooks are no longer peer dependencies of keycloakify. After updating Keycloakify you can remove tss-react and powerhooks from your dependencies if you don't use them explicitly.


There is a new recommended way to setup highly customized theme. See here.
Unlike with the previous recommended method, with this new method your theme wont break on minor Keycloakify update.


Feature login-update-password.ftl.
Every time a page is added it's a breaking change for non CSS-only theme.
Change this and this to update.


  • Out of the box frontend form validation 🥳
  • Improvements (and breaking changes in import { useKcMessage } from "keycloakify".


No breaking changes except that @emotion/react, tss-react and powerhooks are now peerDependencies instead of being just dependencies.
It's important to avoid problem when using keycloakify alongside mui and when passing params from the app to the login page.



  • It's now possible to implement custom .ftl pages.
  • Support for Keycloak plugins that introduce non standard ftl values. (Like for example this plugin that define authorizedMailDomains in register.ftl).