
debian multi purpose webserver install

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A huge bash script for installing and securing debian based multi purpose webserver

The scripts lets you interactively perform the installation of a full web-server stack including the most common security packages, monitoring tools, etc. for debian (wheezy).

It is intended to be use as the basement for a "real full stack" node.js line of business application framework i am currently working on.

The script is still in pre alpha phase.

There are certainly a lot of improvements to do, so please try it, use it and maybe contribute to it.

Security is a big issue and no one can cope with it on his/ her own.

So please, don't leave me alone in my cold, dark chamber and provide some feedback.

Thanks guys.


Install a minimal debian (wheezy) system on a virtual or dedicated host (only ssh and system tools). connect with winscp or putty, login as root. put the configureserver.sh script in your root folder and

chmod 777 configureserver.sh

tip: enable export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto' in your .bashrc file to get colored output

tip: the root folder contains some nice .rc files


  • avoid bash language issues by switching locals to en-us for better support on search matching and english command options
  • provides a huge black-list of suspicious servers/ domains
  • chooses the fastest mirror
  • reminds you on setting the "A" & "MX" record, ssl ports, etc.
  • takes you step by step through a whole production setup:
    • Ajenti
    • FreeSWICH
    • NFSD
    • PHP Tools
    • SELinux
    • Tripwire
    • Zpanel
    • adminer
    • apache
    • apparmor
    • apt-cacher
    • apt-listchanges
    • bash-completition
    • bind9
    • cache (not yet)
    • clamav
    • courier
    • ddclient
    • denyhosts
    • exim
    • force strong passwords
    • fwbuilder
    • icinga-web
    • iptables
    • java
    • l7-protocols
    • libapache-mod-evasive
    • libapache-mod-security
    • libvirt + kvm
    • logrotate
    • logwatch
    • lxc
    • mailman
    • memcached
    • misc. packers
    • moint
    • mono
    • munin
    • mysql/ mariadb - secures mysql automatically, removes annonimous users, disables remote login, etc.
    • nginx
    • nmap
    • npm
    • opcode
    • openssh - ease adding users to groups
    • openvpn
    • perl
    • php
    • php5-mysqld
    • phpmyadmin
    • postfix
    • proftpd
    • psad
    • puppet
    • pure-ftpd
    • python
    • rkhunter
    • ruby rake rack gems bundler
    • samba
    • shorewall
    • smartmontools
    • spamassassin
    • subversion
    • sudo
    • systemd
    • unattended-upgrades
    • update-manager
    • user quota (may have issues)
    • vim
    • virtualbox
    • webfonts
    • webmin


  • testing
  • better separation of daemons -> own users
  • review and setting of minimal privileges/ access rights
  • more detailed configuration
    • esp. domain & mail related stuff
  • rephrase some hints
  • add more comments to source
  • improve vlan and ip v6 support
  • (better) error logging, esp. easily overridden errors on sed, grep etc.
  • more color