
A type safe MySQL client for Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Swift 4.0 Platform Linux, macOS Build Status

MySQL client library for Swift. This is inspired by Node.js' mysql and Himotoki as decoding results.

  • Based on libmysqlclient
  • Raw SQL query
  • Simple query formatting and escaping (same as Node's)
  • Decoding and mapping queried results to Swift struct or class

Note: No asynchronous support currently. It depends libmysqlclient.

// Declare a model

struct User: QueryRowResultType, QueryParameterDictionaryType {
    let id: Int
    let userName: String
    let age: Int?
    let status: Status
    let createdAt: Date
    enum Status: String, SQLEnumType {
        case created = "created"
        case verified = "verified"
    // Decode query results (selecting rows) to a model
    static func decodeRow(r: QueryRowResult) throws -> User {
        return try User(
            id: r <| 0, // as index
            userName: r <| "name", // as field name
            age: r <|? 3, // nullable field,
            status: r <| "status", // string enum type
            createdAt: r <| "created_at"
    // Use this model as a query paramter
    // See inserting example
    func queryParameter() throws -> QueryDictionary {
        return QueryDictionary([
            //"id": // auto increment
            "name": userName,
            "age": age,
            "status": status,
            "created_at": createdAt
// Selecting
let nameParam: String = "some one"
let ids: [QueryParameter] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
let optional:Int? = nil
let params: (Int, Int?, String, QueryArray) = (
let rows: [User] = try conn.query("SELECT id,name,created_at,age FROM users WHERE (age > ? OR age is ?) OR name = ? OR id IN (?)", build(params) ])

// Inserting
let age: Int? = 26
let user = User(id: 0, userName: "novi", age: age, createdAt: Date())
let status = try conn.query("INSERT INTO users SET ?", [user]) as QueryStatus
let newId = status.insertedId
// Updating
let defaultAge = 30
try conn.query("UPDATE users SET age = ? WHERE age is NULL;", [defaultAge])


  • Swift 4.0

(If you are using Swift 3.1, use 0.7.4 tagged version.)


  • MariaDB or MySQL Connector/C (libmysqlclient) 2.2.3


This library uses Vapor's cmysql . Follow the instruction.

Ubuntu Linux

$ sudo apt-get install libmariadbclient-dev


Swift Package Manager

  • Add mysql-swift to Package.swift of your project.
// swift-tools-version:4.0
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/novi/mysql-swift.git", .upToNextMinor(from: "0.8.0"))
    targets: [
            name: "YourAppOrLibrary",
            dependencies: [
                // add a dependency


Connection & Querying

  1. Create a pool with options (hostname, port, password,...).
  2. Use pool.execute(). It automatically get and release a connection.
let options = Options(host: "your.mysql.host"...)
let pool = ConnectionPool(options: options) // Create pool with options
let rows: [User] = try pool.execute { conn in
	// The connection is held in this block
	try conn.query("SELECT * FROM users;") // And it returns result to outside execute block


let wholeStaus: QueryStatus = try pool.transaction { conn in
	let status = try conn.query("INSERT INTO users SET ?;", [user]) as QueryStatus // Create a user
	let userId = status.insertedId // the user's id
	try conn.query("UPDATE info SET val = ? WHERE key = 'latest_user_id' ", [userId]) // Store user's id that we have created the above
wholeStaus.affectedRows == 1 // true
