
Another free MongoDB schema analyser based on PyMongo and wxPython.

Primary LanguagePython


Another free MongoDB schema analyser based on PyMongo and wxPython. Fast and Effective by using MongoDB MapReduce to analyse collection schema, simple yet powerful.

Author: HanseyLee




Using Python 3.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python pyMonSchema.py 

Also, you can package it as a executive program using pyinstaller.

After starting, two steps for operation:


Several required fields:

- Fill MongoDB uri and click Connect button to connect MongoDB deployment. MongoDB uri, refer to https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string .
- Fill database name and collection name to switch to specific collection.


After connect and switch to specific collection, there are several optional fields before analyse schema.

  • Query -> MongoDB query document to filter input to analyse. e.g. {"keyName": {"$in": ["key1", "key2"]}}, {"keyName": {"$exists": True}}(Note: PyMonSchema use Python Method "eval()" to deserialize query string, so use 'True'/'False' if query string contains bool value)
  • Order -> Positive/Negative, used in sort document, order=Positive equivalent to sort("_id":1), order=Negative equivalent to sort("_id":-1).
  • Limit -> Int, limit value of query result. Empty default is 0, which means no limit.
  • Omit_keys -> Fields string to be omitted, sperate by comma. such as: keyName1, keyName2 .
  • Omit_patterns -> Fileds match these regular expression patterns will be omitted, sperate by comma. such as: ^keyNameHead, keyNameTail$ .
  • Embed-keys -> Whether to analyse embed-key (e.g. keyNameParent.keyNameChild1.keyNameChild2) or not.
  • Analyse -> Run analyse.


Display schema result.

  • Save button -> save the result as a json file named databaseName_collectionName-Schema.json default. The output json file like this:
            "key": "_id",
            "total_occurrence": 15.0,
            "statics": [
                    "type": "ObjectId",
                    "occurrence": 15.0,
                    "percent": 100.0
            "key": "hello",
            "total_occurrence": 9.0,
            "statics": [
                    "type": "Int32",
                    "occurrence": 1.0,
                    "percent": 6.666666666666667
                    "type": "String",
                    "occurrence": 8.0,
                    "percent": 53.333333333333336


welcome to contribute your code to improve this poor tool :P