
A simulated of real life transit system.

Getting Started

When checking the code, you may find some “Cannot resolve” symbols, that’s because you haven’t imported the external libraries we used. The path of external libraries is: /transitSystem/libs

This is a simple guide to show you how to import them to IntelliJ IDEA

  1. Open IntelliJ IDEA, click File -> Project Structure
  2. Click Modules -> Dependencies -> small “+” button -> JARS or directories…
  3. Select two .jar files in libs (path: /transitSystem/libs), then click Open/OK.
  4. Check two external libraries, then click OK.


This program only works with JDK 1.8



  1. It is used in WeeklyPass to observe the system time that modified in adminUser, since they are not related, to avoid coupling and make sure each WeeklyPass is able to get the current system time immediately.
  2. It is used in MVC design pattern. Firstly, every time when user taps in or out, the status label will be modified by observing the changes in transitManager. Secondly, if user edit his user name successfully, the label(view) which represents the user name will be modified by observing the changes in accountManager.

Iterator: To delete data at a specified date while iterating.

Strategy: The system requires different strategies while deducting money.

Serialize: To save all the information of this system(stations, trips, revenues) and customer(cards and accounts)

Factory: When create different kinds of cards that inherit from TransitPass.

Logging: To save all the system information that involved instance change(INFO LEVEL) and Exception raised(WARING or SEVERE), and some operations(FINE) for debugging.

Singleton: Since the inquiries require this system can only generate one log file "log.txt", we compared some implementations, it will result in all the class calling AdminUser often if we define a static log in AdminUser. Implementing different log instances in different managers will cause java to generate different log files, ex: "log.txt.1", "log.txt.2", etc. Therefore, we decided to use Singleton to implement the log.

• This design also follows all of five SOLID principles.

  1. Single responsibility principle All the operations involved in content change on this system are separated from three Managers. For report generating functions and view information functions, we are able to use each specified instance's function such as isOwingMoney and toString in transitPass, and view information functions are all done by admin.

  2. Open closed principle This system is open since it is still available for further extension, all functions are specified and separately placed in each class, you are welcomed to add any new features by simply add new class or strategy, or add if statements in top module. This system is closed since we don't need to modify some base functions while adding new features.

  3. Liskov substitution principle We followed this principle while defining cards class, all cards under TransitPass can be replaced by each other, and we also have AbleTopUp interface, all cards under this interface are free to substitute by each other.

  4. Interface segregation principle Since some cards need topUp function while some are not, we created AbleTopUp interface for those cards. Since there are different types of stations: "subway station" and "bus stop", and the fare calculation is different, so we use FareStrategy interface to calculate fare for different type of stations.

  5. Dependency inversion principle When we implementing TransitPass superclass, we avoid implementing top up function and all cards under this class are only able to record information and deduct, while all other methods are for visiting information, but not for change content. (also applied single responsibility principle here)


You can simply run the Main function from source code on IDEs, or download the packed app here.