
Simple Demo backend to teach RESTful FastAPI

Primary LanguagePython

PET FITNESS - A FastAPI Reference Backend

This is a tutorial backend for those trying to understand and learn FastAPI as well as a reference project It contains the basics to start creating a full fledge FastAPI backend as well as understanding the fundamentals of Pytest!


  • Python knowledge


Welcome to Pet Fitness where you can train your pets by our very own, and very talented Trainers! Our world class trainers will design a unique nutrition plan for every single one of you pets! All you have to do is register you, your pets, and we will have one of our very own trainers evaluate your fuzzy little (or big) friends!

"Training a dog is like teaching a 2-year-old to clean their room. Good luck with that." ~ Anonymous

Project Structure

Each Model has its own set of CRUD features

  • Pets data be created, viewed, updated and deleted
  • Owner data be created, viewed, updated and deleted
  • Trainer data be created, viewed, updated and deleted
  • Nutrition Plan created, viewed, updated and deleted

Contains learning how to apply SQLAlchemy to different DB relationships:

  • Multiple Pets can belong to one Owner (One-to-Many relationship)
  • Multiple pets can be trained by multiple trainer (Many-to-Many relationship via Association Object)
  • Each pet can be on one unique nutrition plan at a time (One-to-One relationship)

There are also dependencies in the order of which pets are assigned.

  • A pet can be assigned an owner
  • A pet can be assigned an trainer, only if they are assigned to an owner
  • A pet can be assigned a nutrition plan, only if they are assigned to a trainer

Learning order

Depending on what you want to learn, certain files and directories can be ignored Each significant directory and file have be annotated as well as the order of which to lean

Basics of RestAPI Developement

  1. app/database.py
  2. app/models
  3. app/schemas
  4. app/cruds
  5. app/endpoints
  6. app/main.py

Basics of PyTest writing

  1. tests/unit/conftest.py
  2. tests/unit/wrappers.py
  3. tests/unit/*_test.py

Setting Up

If you want to auto-install all of the dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Start up

To start the server, while in the root folder for this project /pets_fastapi, run:

python3 -m uvicorn main:app --reload

or if you want to specify a port

uvicorn main:app --reload --port 8000

Visit to view Swagger Docs


There are testing functions that have been provided.

  1. Populate: A simple function that populates a database when the webserver is running. Used to populate the database based on a following structure
  2. Unit: A set of unit tests to test each endpoint in the project. Built using the Pytest library.


To run the data populator, first start the webserver (see Start Up Section) and run following commands in the separate terminal in the root folder for this project /pets_fastapi:

python3 tests/unit/populate.py

It will generate a data set that have the following relationship seen in the diagram below.

Test data structure layout


To run the unit test, run the following commands in the root folder for this project /pets_fastapi:

To run every test

python3 -m pytest tests/unit/*_test.py

To run specific tests

python3 -m pytest tests/unit/<INSERT_TEST_NAME>_test.py