This is the model and testing code for the iccv 2017 paper: Learning Multi-Attention Convolutional Neural Network for Fine-Grained Image Recognition

To test the model, you should finish the following two steps:

1)download the data

You can download the three datasets from the official site:

	for the bird dataset:

	for the car dataset:

	for the aircraft dataset:

And then copy the images to the "bird_data" ("car_data", "air_data") folder. the path should fit the ./bird_data/test_list.txt (./car_data/test_list.txt, ./air_data/test_list.txt) well. 

2)install pycaffe

As for the MA-CNN model uses "Transpose" Layer Type, the standard caffe is not runable. The transpose layer can be added by referring  

For windows users, we also provided the compiled pycaffe files in the "caffe" folder, you can just copy this folder to you-python-path/Lib/site-packages. 

After installed pycaffe, you can simplly run 

to test the model.

model accuracy

	bird accuracy:	86.58
	car accuracy:	92.75
	air accuracy:	90.00

note: the bird prototxt is noted which can help to undersdand the structrue of MA-CNN