Methylation Analysis
DNA methylation workflow, from beta-values to signatures
This workflow contains 4 modules.
- Normalization
- Normalization.R
- 2013Method.R & 2013Method_cv.R
Test the methods in Exploring genome-wide DNA methylation profiles altered in hepatocellular carcinoma using Infinium HumanMethylation 450 BeadChips. Epigentics 2013.
By using the methods, the hyper/hypo-methylated sites can be distinguished from DMPs. The dmrcate function was re-defined and the number of hyper/hypo-methylated sites covered by each DMR are also a part of the output now.
- Random Forests
- RFBoot.R
- Lasso
- Lasso.R
- Requirement of each module can be seen at the beginning of the scripts.
- Rscripts and data can be found at "/lustre/rdi/user/hantc/tools/Methylation", just copy them to your own directory and test whether it can be run.
- It is to be noted that packages required by Normalization and DMP_DMR cannot be easily installed on the cluster, so I recommend you to run these 2 modules on your PC.
- RFBoot takes a long time. Running it on a Cluster is a better option.
- If the sample size is small, Lasso may return an error.
Change Logs
Uploaded new scripts for testing the methods in Exploring genome-wide DNA methylation profiles altered in hepatocellular carcinoma using Infinium HumanMethylation 450 BeadChips. Epigentics 2013.
Upload 4 modules.