
This is a project use dlib and OpenCV to implement a log system.

Primary LanguageC++

This is a project use dlib and OpenCV to implement a log system.

You need to install OpenCV firstly. dlib.19.16 has been in the folder.

build your log system by

cd log_system
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

then run ./log_test follow the indication

you can use pictures in the faces folder to test.

Code is based on dlib example dnn_face_recognition_ex. Save data and read data to XML file by OpenCV's FileStorage. It has been tested under Ubuntu1404 64bit, and all is well.

Code is easy to understand, at least I think so.

@ 2019.03.07

  • Change to build .so file, so add below command to CMakeLists.txt of dlib to fix bug add_compile_options(-fPIC)
  • Change to use OpenCV to load image, so we don't need to add sub cmake
  • You can use dlib load and .a version before this day

@ 2019.03.08

  • Fix a bug that will lost password
  • Add set(USE_AVX_INSTRUCTIONS ON) to dlib CMakeLists.txt. Compile use avx by default

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