- 0
#15 opened by dialuser - 4
Multi output functions
#11 opened by dezenn - 4
Viscocity of NS 2D from Li et al
#13 opened by Karn3003 - 1
Explanation of GNOT dataset
#14 opened by sjh97 - 3
- 1
- 2
Multi-GPU training?
#10 opened by cfos3120 - 1
- 9
Implementation with Geo-FNO NACA dataset
#7 opened by 270415 - 1
Theta being concatenated with X?
#4 opened by cfos3120 - 1
Running HeatSink 3D
#6 opened by robColSE - 1
Missing data
#5 opened by robertColt - 1
3D Heat Sink Case
#3 opened by cfos3120 - 2
About scaling experiments
#2 opened by BraveDrXuTF - 9