This is the source code of the hybrid genetic search (HGS) for the TDCARP, described in "Vidal, T., Martinelli, R., Pham, T. A., & Ha, M. H. (2020). Arc routing with time-dependent travel times and paths"
The code permits to perform the calculations from a known network. At this point, it does not include data acquisition routines, geocoding routines, and interfaces.
It is entirely in C++. For convenience, the calculation of the continuous quickest path is done in a separate folder named Program-SP
whereas the metaheuristic is located in the Program
The metaheuristic is an extension of the HGS for capacitated arc routing problems available at "", with new route evaluation operations and lower-bounds for move evaluations.
- Building
cd Program
- Running:
./gencarp file_path.tdsp [options]
Available options:
-t CPU time in seconds (defaults to 300s).
-sol File where to output the solution statistics (defaults to the instance file name prepended with 'sol-').
-seed Seed for initialization of the RNG
Example: ./gencarp ../Instances/TDCARP-withSP/Type_M/C01.tdsp -sol solution.txt -t 300 -seed 1
- Building
cd Program-SP
- Running:
./TDSPGenerator file_path.dat
Example: ./TDSPGenerator ../Instances/TDCARP-withoutSP/Type_H/C01.dat
This command creates a new tdsp file named ./C01.tdsp